Unfortunately I lost the big TV box I had last week. Mommy said it had something to do with the fact that it was very large and took up too much space and it had to go to recycling. I would LOVE to go to this 'recycling'. All of my beloved boxes have gone to this magical place!

Now I'm forced to nap on non-box spots.

Maybe if I look really sad, Mommy will let me go to 'recycling'.

MOL..Poor Simsom ! You look so desperate ! and Funny !!! with your front feet hang down : ) Thanks to made my day..you are so cute !!!
*forming a band of cats to come over and rescue box*
We are sending yoo purrs. Sumtimes ... life just isn't fair. Fact.
You are MUCH to cute to go to recycling. Best to stay home with mom. :)
xo Catherine
Samson, you do look so sad. WE may have to send you another big box. I don't see how the Mom can resist that sad look. Although that chair looks really comfy to us. Take care and hope all of you have a super week.
Awww lovely and adorable Samson!!!! How could your mum resist such a sad sweet face!!! Me and Charlie hope your mum takes the hint and gets more boxes for you!!!!:-)
Hello too to adorable Delilah, bella Bella and Sweet Pea! Take care
Oh, noes...how will you ever manage without a box? Maybe your mom could bring you a slightly smaller box, Samson!
No Honey..you can't go to recycling! By the way, your furs sticking put from your toes are adorable. You're lucky my mommy isn't there. She is a paw kisser and she won't STOP!
I get a steroid shot and I will ask the dreaded v-e-t what it is when I go there.
I know, I know, we just hate it when our best boxes leave us!
Whoa...my mom sends boxes to "recycling" too. There must be a kazillion boxes there!
reporting from her iPaw, somewhere over Georgia
Mes with Rumble! To be part of the Band to go to recycling! Me wants my boxes back from recycling too!
Aw its just not fair. My dad does that and cuts up the best boxes to go to that place too. You do look comfy in that chair though.. Hugs GJ xx
Samson, dear, dear, dear friend.....what our mamas do at times can be a real bummer!!! We just have to remember all the wonderful things they do for us and try to let the badies leave our memories.
Right now we're not real sure about our new sister.....we have been "only kitties" for over 10 years. She really doesn't cause us any problems, other than the problems we cause cuz we're a bit paranoid!!!!!
Love to y'all.
But that was the coolest box ever! We're sure there are other things in the house that could have gone to recycling to make room for your box. At least it was fun while it lasted though.
PeeS: We think your paws are just the cutest!
We are sorry you lost your box. All our boxes went to recycle, too. You do look very sad in these pictures.
I must say you do a marvelous sulk, Samson! Not only are you pouting, but your entire body is in a slump. If this doesn't convince your Mom -- nothing will!
Mommy will mail you a box post haste!
You have the cutest paw pads, Mom said she would love to give them little kisseys...she is so funny like that.
We bet there will be more boxes in your future, Samson!
Your non-box spots dun look so bad... in fact, they look pretty damn pawsome!
~Slash & Bronzy
Oh Samson, my purrs to the loss of your box!
noooo!! You don't want to go to recycling! You could accidentally get lost while playing in the boxes and that wouldn't be a good thing!
I think we are all envious of Pierro and Miles' box fort...it is humungous and awesome! Go take a look:
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