It's very hot here today, and we do not have our air conditioner set up. Mommy says that she wants save some electricity costs and take advantage of the cross breeze in our apartment. I think she'll cave in if it gets any hotter...this is ridiculous! My furs are curling.
I only have the energy to show one of my Torttoes today, but, according to Mommy, it's the cutest one.

All of our other models seem to have more spunk than me today, though. Some of them are showing all four of their toes!
You can see our other clues and other Torttoes by clicking
HERE and then
HERE. Sweet Pea will be recapping all the Torttoes and list again on Thursday, so you'll have the opportunity to go over them again. We'll be announcing the winner on Friday, May 28th, so you can submit your answers any time after today. The correct guesses will be entered into the draw to win all three of the prizes!
Once again, here are the models:
Sweet Pea
Isabella from The Beaded TailMaggie May from The Creek CatsThe most beautiful Tortie guardian angel ever, Callie, from
The Kitty KrewTasha from MishkatSweet Praline from her self-titled blog
Pricilla from The Kitty TrioBijoux from Animal Shelter Volunteer Life blogMay Ling from The Katnip LoungeCricket from The Kool Kittie Krew
Meredith Ann from the Lilacs and Cats blogWe have a lot of Torttoes to get to today, so here is where we left off:
6. This model is a friend of ours. In fact, she's one of the first kitties we met in the CB. The hint is, her name reminds us of a Rod Stewart song, and she lives in a house near some water.

7. This beautiful fluffy Tortie is a fairly new friend to us. The hint is, her blog title involves something purple and pretty that you might find in a garden (yes, I'm being obvious).

8. This Tortie is a new friend of ours. We already adore all the cats there, and this Tortie meezer is no exception! What a beauty!

9. This new addition to the family is such a cutie! Her name is like an insect and she's as floofy as can be.

10. This dilute beauty is another new friend of ours. My very obvious hint is, there are THREE of them and you can tell that by their blog name.

11. This Tortie is one of my best friends in the CB. She was the first Tortie we met, and she continues to inspire me to be a better Tortie. Her Mom makes very beautiful quilts, but this Tortie doesn't help, she just enjoys them! Her two brothers get to enjoy them too, but only when she says it's okay.

12. Last, but certainly not least, this pretty girl was once in the very caring hands of a wonderful shelter, but has now moved on to a new forever home.

That's all the toes! If you have already guessed them and you want to be entered into the draw, you can send your answers to us by clicking on the 'contact us' link in our profile. If not, don't worry, Sweet Pea will have the recap on Thursday. When you submit your answers, you just need to tell us which Tortie matches with which toes. All correct answers will be entered into a draw for the prizes.
I'm even more tired now, so back to the snooze!
