I wanted to post today to thank the wonderful Judi of Sammy and Andy's place for making us our new header! I now feel like I really belong to the Monkeys.
Thank you so much, Judi!
It wasn’t an accident, no one forgets a 19 pound cat when they move from an apartment!!! Handsome, big Gucci was discovered left behind in the apartment, forlorn and abandoned
This big impressive black Domestic Longhair is an IMPRESSIVE cat, a Gentle Giant who wants only to be given a spot in the sun and loved! Neutered, FIV/FELV tested negative, vaccinated, dewormed, Gucci has his own Gucci bag packed and ready to move in with you!
Dramatic in appearance and about 2 years old, Gucci gets along with other cats and likely could hold his own with a friendly dog! A friendly male, he is no cheap imitation, OUR Gucci is the Real Thing—a great cat!