When I realized that I was also going to be examined, I got a little nervous and peed in my carrier. Our vet was very understanding and explained that that kind of accident is very embarrassing for a cat. That made me feel much more comfortable with him and the rest of my examination went off without a hitch.
He weighed me (15.4 pounds) and examined my scabs. By the location and look of my cuts, he determined that my problem is an allergy and he prescribed a course of Prednisone. I asked him if it was possible that I was allergic to Torties...he just smiled and winked. I think that means I must be! He told Mommy to watch my progress and if my scratching doesn't stop in 3 days, they will look to a different treatment. He thinks it is a seasonal allergy and if it comes back after the treatment, they'll do tests to see what I'm allergic to.
Bella was a lot more relaxed than I expected. The vet weighed her (7.3 pounds) and said she was in 'remarkable health for a cat her age, but should put on about a pound'. Bella showed off her athleticism by jumping off the high counter and running around the room! He looked at the lump on her abdomen, and said it could be an umbilical hernia and, after he aspirated it and tested the cells for bad things (tests were all good), he said that she does not require surgery. Mommy has to watch it and check for any increase in size of the lump, but other than that, she's in great health.
Here is the vet examining Bella's cells under a microscope.
When we got home, Deli was waiting to sniff us and grill us about where we were all evening. Mommy gave me my first pill and we're all feeling a little sleepy, so we're going to relax and enjoy our long weekend!
Thank you for your purrs that our vet trip go well. They seem to have worked!
Samson, we hope the pills make you stop scratching so you don't hurt yourself anymore! We're glad the vet was understanding of your nervousness too. Maybe he does the same thing when he gets nervous.
We're glad that Bella's lump wasn't anything bad either and that she's in good health too!
Have a great weekend Monkeys!
Oh Samson, we purrrrrr that the allergy will go away becaue of the pills. Chilli did that too a while ago and had little crusts on her neck and head where she scratched. Our vet gave mom an ointment and it went away, but the vet didn't say anything about it being an allergy. Maybe it was the nerves in Chilli's case. Good to hear that Bella is in such great shape! Enjoy your weekend!
Purrs, Siena
We're both gonna keep purring till we know you're both 100%
Hi Samson! We hope the Pred helps, though of course it only alleviates the symptoms. We hope your mom can figure out the root cause of the allergy!
Hurrah for good check-ups for both you and Bella!
We wish you a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!
We're glad you both did good at the vet...'cept for that little peeing incident, Samson. We think Ernie has seasonal allergies too...but he gets sores on his mouth and gets real itchy. We hope your medication helps you, Samson.
Big relief that everything is OK. Many of us pee in the carrier when we have to go to the vet, so don't be embarrassed Samson. We are just glad you will be all right.
Bella, good for you to be calm and just think, you get lots more to eat. Glad the lump wasn't anything bad. Hope the whole crew have a great week end including the assistant.
Awwwwwww sweet Samson!! What a brave kitty you are!! It's ok to be nervous with the vets but you did very well and are such a good kitty to take your meds! Me and Charlie hope your allergies go away asap!!
And adorable Bella!! We hope that you get lots of extra treats and stinky goodness! We hope that hernia things also goes away asap! We are so glad you are in great health !
Big purrs to lovely Delilah too!
Take care
We're glad that everythign at the vets went well. We hope that Samson's allgery clears up soon and Bella's lump remains the same.
Samson, we hope you stop itching soon. I think Ginger might have to go back to the v-e-t for her itchies.
Phew ... we're glad that is over for yoo. Sorry abowt the itching ~ we hope the tablets werk. Don't worry abowt pee-ing in the PTU ~ it's understandable (we've done it before now!). Even mancats can get nervous.
Have a great weekend.
Samson, I hope the medicine help with your scratching and sores.
Bella, so glad that you were in great health. Eat a little more and put on that pound and I'm purring that the lump doesn't get any worse.
Too bad Sweet Pea had the blue carrier today.
That is great, I am so glad all was pretty good at the vets. Y'all have a chillaxin weekend!
We're really glad to hear that the vet visit was O.K.! (Dobby said he has peed in his carrier before so don't worry - it happens. Our vet said lots of cats do it.)
Franklin has to take prednisone for his asthma so he says that he hopes it works just as well for your allergies as it does for him. His asthma seems to be seasonal too although our mom hasn't figured it out yet.
And we are glad to hear that Bella's lump is benign, and that she's in such great shape! Tasha is a bit envious that Bella has been instructed to GAIN weight - for some reason, we never hear that when we are at the vet.
Have a great weekend!
Purrs from Franklin, Dobby, Tasha, and mom Katie
Thanks for the update, Samson. We are so pleased that the visit went well for both of you. We will be purring that this treatment will clear you up.
hehehehe, if you are allergic to Torties, we'll volunteer to take them!!!!!!!!
Love to all of you.
Sounds like a good vet appointment! Hope your allergies go away quickly Samson. Glad to hear Bella is in such good health.
Raymond used to be itchy. We changed our food and cat litter and the allergies went away.
Have a great weekend friends!
Well, THAT'S over with! Sampson, we hope the prednisone does the trick..KonaKitty had something similiar and it cleared right up.
Bella, you are SO lucky to have to GAIN a pound. Wow.
As to yesterday's post...Maui does the same trick with our Cube! We all thought he looked like the Flintstone's car, too. He scares the pantaloons offa everyone, including Mommy!
Hi Samson, hope that pill makes your itchies go away!
Yay, we are so happy to hear that the vet visit went well and that all is fine with the kitties.
Samson where are your scabs?
I just did a blog a week or so ago about my cat (Cody) having had lesions/scabs on his head. The vet thinks it is some sort of allergy and we are trying to determine whether it is a food allergy or environmental (seasonal)
He just put my cat on canned rabbit and dry rabbit and antibiotics.
Where do you live? I hope you are feeling much better! I would love to compare notes.
Cat Chat http://opcatchat.blogspot.com
We are glad you both had good vet visits. We hope the pills make your itchies go away Samson.
WE are so relieved and glad that is behind both of you and it sounds to me like you got the best possible news! Which is great. WE hope the medicine helps your itchies Samson! And Bella that's great you can eat all you want!
Glad all went well at the vet! Some of us have scabs - we are allergic to fleas - even just one!
We sure are glad that the visit to the V-E-T went well. Samson, we hope those pills work quickly, and that you're itch-free real soon!
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