It's my three year Gotcha Day! Many of you that have been visiting us for awhile have already heard all about how I came here so I won't repeat it, but if you want to read about it, you can click here
I was 2 months old when I came here so I could fit into a lot of small spaces

And got into some trouble.

And met the cat of my dreams.

She even let me dominate her for a little while...although that didn't last!
Now we're best friends.
Mommy broke out a new bag of jelly beans from the Casbah Kitten for this occasion, so please feel free to join me! Treats, jelly beans and catnip for everyone! We can even play 'Find the Jelly Bean on Samson'.
I also got special Mommy snuggles from my favorite Mommy!
I'm exactly where I want to be and thank you all for sharing my special day with me.
I'm so happy to have met all my cat-blogging friends! You guys make us smile every day :)
P.S. I caught one of the most beautiful ladycats in the entire CB looking at my picture! Could this day get any better? You can see Angel from The Beaded Tail looking at me here!!