I've never seen it before, but I hear it, so I wait by the door to make sure this creature knows, that if it comes in, it will have to deal with ME!

It makes a sound a lot like the machine that Mommy uses to suck up cat hair and stuff from the floor, but it's much louder!
Every time I get out into the hall, I roll around on the carpet outside our door so that, in case this crazy machine is looking for cat floof, it'll see by the fur that there's a Tortie on the other side of the door that is not to be messed with!
Sometimes it bangs against the door while it's eating up all the stuff outside. I think this is because it smells all of Samson's floof and it wants to get inside to eat him up!
Oh no! It's here! Samson, go hide, I'll protect you!
OMC! You is a guard cat likes me aren't you? I luvs how you puts your floof der to shows der a Tortie on da other side of da door, dat loud machine betters not mess wif you!
You are so pretty, even when the evil monster is outside! Did you keep Samson safe!
Now you know that if you don't feel safe, you could come here... I'd look after you and give you lots of comfort cuddles....
My supply of catnip is on the Tortie. She's got it ALL in paw! Is there a picture of the machine monster????
Delilah, you are so brave!! That machine sounds super skeery!
With you on guard, Delilah, we know you'll keep everybuddy safe!!
Deli, you are very brave! Tasha said if that machine came around here, she'd be hiding under five layers of blankets.
P.S. we LOVE the photos today! You look gorgeous.
Ohh you are brave, I dont like the noisy machines.. Keep safe.
I just adore your pictures today..
Hugs Gj xx
Stay far away from that skeery monster machine.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Very scary stuff indeed!!!!!!
You have to face the beast every week??? So, so brave!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Your pictures are so lovely today
Kareltje =^.^=
That sounds like a scary monster!
We have monster just like that, it
sounds like a lawnmower machine inside the house and everyone runs
into the closet or under the bed so
it don't get us. :) Purrrrs!
We're so glad that we don't have a monster like that near our house. You must be so brave!
Wow Deli!!! You sure are a brave girl to sit there while that loud thing is literally inches from you! We'd be gone long ago...
Can we get behind you, too? We do not likes the vacuum and run from room to room whenever it comes out!
Oh my Miss Delilah! You've got the BIG EYES. We just have a little sucky monster and we're not skairt of it at all....but a big loud one?? I dunno......
You're awfully brave!
Oh my cats, Delilah! You are a super hero to me.
We can see you won't have any nonsense from noisy monsters.
Delilah, you are very, very brave to protect your brofur from that monster! We don't think it'd dare to come mess with you but it's good to know that your apartment and especially Samson is safe in case it does.
By the way, we are so impressed that you can look so outstandingly beautiful even while warding off evil monsters!
You are ever so brave to protect yourself and Samson from that loud meancing machine!
Monsters be gone.
We have one of those creepy monsters in our new hallway too! Our Dad is quite impressed with the monster just beyond our door, but we're terrified!
Deli's eyes speak volumes! That's the way Dante looks when he hears the garbage truck coming. There's more than one kind of monster out there, kitties! Beware!
You are so brave Deli, I always hide when I hear the monster. It's the first time I see your eyes, you're very pretty Deli.
Delilah, everycat would be safe with you on the job!! You are very brave :)
Pretty smart of you to leave your floof outside the door too,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh Deli thank Cod you are there to protect our sweet Samson! You look really ready to take it on!!
Deli, your beans and Sammy sure are lucky to have such a good guard cat like you. You're so brave to stand up (or lay down) to the evil loud monster like that!
And you manage to look so gorgeous doing so. You are a true tortie princess.
I bow in awe.
Purrs and hugs from your tortie sisfur,
ohhh...the intensity of that stare! :)
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