Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Recently we won a contest on Baby Patches' blog. We won these really tasty Bonito flakes by Cat-Man-Doo.

We got them in the mail today and all I can say is YUMMY!!

As you can see by this photo, I was eating them so fast that fish flakes were flying!

Samson wanted to try them too so I had to share a little.

These are so good, I'm definitely going to use my allowance to get more!

When Mommy was at work, The Ball Guy let me eat right out of the container!

Thank you, Baby Patches!


P.S. Sorry for the blurriness of some of the photos, we were so excited.

P.P.S. Mommy was very mad but The Ball Guy left the camera rolling and went to do some other things and, by the time he got back, it was ALL gone! They monitored me the whole day, but because it is basically dried tuna, and no other additives, I digested it fine. They were both surprised by how much I love it because I'm not usually a treat fan like Samson


Misha said...

They look like premium noms! I feel an order to Baby Patches coming on…

SeaThreePeeO said...

Those look like tasty noms!

Baby Patches said...

Pawsome!! I so happy dat you luvs em, me and brofur gots more today! We were all over da momma for more. Luvs how da ball guy lets you eat out of da container MOL hehehe

You is welcome mai furriends, enjoy!


Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Hmm. We need to make sure Tommy sees this post. Those look like some good eatin' treats!!


ZOOLATRY said...

Nomie-nom-noms. And a pat on the head to you for being good at sharing.

The Florida Furkids said...

Nom Nom Nom - let the flakes fly!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Kitty Krew said...

Looks like they are pretty tasty noms! We may have to talk The Mommy into spending more green papers while she's on a spree....

Thanks for the tasty review!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Kitty Krew said...

PS - from The Mommy to The Monkeys Mom -- stop waiting so long on the fuzzy blankies!!! Your kids want one!!


Mishkat said...

You are a good advertisement for those, Deli! (We hope Samson got a few too!)

Anonymous said...

Flying Fish Flakes? Oh, doesn't THAT sound good!

Anonymous said...

YUM! We don't have nuttin' yike that over here where we live...sigh. But we do have a whole pantry fulla' Temptations an' that's purr-ty specials.

Anonymous said...

YUM~O!!! We've neffurr seen anything like that before! Looks like cedar shavings, but YUMMY! The video is really kyute too! We like that Samson was "monitoring" your intake of the Bonito chips!

The Island Cats said...

We like that the Ball Guy let you eat out of the container...we think stuff tastes better that way...we gotta try those flakes!

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Samson, you gotta get in there. They look really good.

CCL Wendy said...

Wow, Deli loves those tuna flakes SO much, Samson is lucky he got any at all! I saw these on Baby Patches website and wondered about them. My kitties love tuna, but like the tuna water best -- but obviously these dry flakes are quite the hit!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those look really yummy!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You ate the WHOLE thing?

Sam and Andy said...

You make them look really good, Deli.....we're gonna have to talk to Mommy about getting us some.

luv and purrrrs from us,

SuziQCat said...

I'll have to get some for my boys...they aren't big treat fans either, but these flakes look yummy!

Daisy said...

You ate the whole thing? Hahahaha! I love fishie flakes, too.

Reese =^..^= said...

Those look very nommy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Delilah I can't believe you ate the whole container! That is so funny. I am glad they were just fish flakes so you didn't get sick!

BeadedTail said...

We bet The Ball Guy let you have the whole thing so you'd for sure like him best from all the other men suitors! Those fish flakes sure look yummy and it was nice of you to share a little of them with Samson!

Anonymous said...

We're smacking our lips! That looks so nom nom nom:)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Great video and photos! We hope that the ball guy isn't in trouble!

Cory said...

Did you really lick the container clean?? Nice work! I got hungry watching you.