Hi there!
Mommy said we could have a blog because we're so wonderful and exciting?! I am not really sure what we're going to talk about but I will start by introducing us.
My name is Delilah but no one ever calls me that anymore. It's Deli, Delibean or just Bean. Brad (aka the ball guy) calls me 'You'.
I'm a tortoiseshell that Mommy's kind friend found behind her house. The circumstances were a little strange because Mommy had just lost her big (and VERY smelly) cat named Muddy. Before Muddy died, she was asked if she would get another cat after Muddy passed. She replied that she wanted another special cat so she would patiently wait until one 'came to her' like Muddy had. She was so lost when Muddy went. I heard she spent days locked in her apartment crying. I knew that I belonged to Mommy so when the 'powers that be' nudged my starving, flea infested tortie body behind the alley, I had no choice but to go. It was destiny. When Mommy's friend brought me to the place I now call home, I could see that Mommy was fragile and she started to cry. Muddy had just left 6 days before so I had my work cut out for me! I'm a tortoiseshell so I am not afraid of big tasks. I had to start making Mommy feel better so I nestled in her neck and put my cold nose on her cheek. She cried more but I think she was just happy to see me. I didn't want to bring it up then, but I was happy to find her too. She was so warm and comfy and I had been out on my own for awhile and she had FOOD! It was a happy day for me.
That's how I came here; now I'll talk about Samson.
It's weird, no one calls him Samson either. Sammy, Fuzz and Monkey are his 'nom de rue'. I don't know why they bother naming us if they never use the names (people things are weird).
Sammy is a little odd looking. His fur is crazy long! He's always licking himself (and me when I let him). He's a little too dramatic for my taste but I still dig him. Mommy got him when I was 4 months old because she wasn't used to how active I was and she thought I needed a friend. I tried to tell her that kittens are like that and Muddy was just lazy but she didn't understand me back then. I was perfectly happy running all over the place and using Mommy as prey but she had other ideas. She found him through another friend who knew someone who had found a bunch of newborn kittens under her deck. This woman took care of Sammy and his brothers and sister and then found good homes for them. Sammy was 2 months when they brought him here and he was so small! I thought he was a rat so I tried to eat him. I realized he was a cat eventually but boy, did he ever need toughening up! I still beat him when he gets out of line but he likes it. He was the biggest of his litter so he felt like he was the boss. He needed to learn that I am the boss here! He's good now and waits for me to eat first (I'm the queen after all) and lets me sniff out the toys first and stuff. He is always on Mommy but I don't mind that so much. She needs lots of love and so does he (since he was alone when he was born). I show Mommy how much I love her when I want to; it's more special that way.
Here is a picture of Samson. Doesn't he look a little slow?

Here he is as a baby. Now do you see why I thought he was a rat?

Here is a picture of me when I arrived here. I am so pretty ;)

And me now! I built up my muscles!

We're collectively known by Mommy as 'The Monkeys'. I think she's a bit confused. We're cats as far as I know?!

Anyway,I'm gonna go play with the new soccer balls Mommy brought me the other day.
I may let Samson speak next time..depends on my mood ;)