Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Me and Soccer balls!!

I love this Tortie Tuesday thing! I figure I should show off some of my tortie skills for my first Tortie Tuesday. As Mommy always says, us torties are not conceited, we're just confident!

Here I am on YouTube playing with a soccer ball. The ball guy keeps calling me a 'puppy'. What is wrong with these human things? Monkeys? Puppies? Why do I continuously have to try to prove I'm a cat? Ah well, I love these humans despite their stupidity.

Happy Tortie Tuesday everyone!

Deli xxoo


Kiddo said...

Welcome to the cat blogosphere!

The Creek Cats said...

Delilah, look at you go! You are quite the fetcher too!

PB 'n J said...

What a fun video! It's nice to meet you both!

Hey Sampson, there's a club for you too! Make sure to visit the Tuxedo Gang Hideout - it's just for tuxies :-)

Mishkat said...

Happy Tortie Tuesday, Deli! Great demonstration of tortitude :)

The Florida Furkids said...

Hi and Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

What a fun video!! And it looks like you got lotsa exercise too!

Peggy's Place said...

Wow. You are so talented! Much better than any "puppy". Keep working on it and you just might be able to train your human.....

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You gots lots of slick floors to chase balls and toys on! Looks like lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh my cats! Dey called yoo a baby woofie? Oh dat will not do, nope not at all! Beans is weird dats fer sure!!

~ Molly ~

Just Ducky said...

Hello you two! Welcome to the CB and I hope you have lots of fun here.

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

oh yeah,... see...you make big mistake. you no bring the ball back. that is puppy. mommy always tries to get me to bring things back to her. better to just sit down where you iz and looks at her like she is crazy.

i not a puppy. i kitty. puppies is stoopid