I look a little scraggly because I had a little accident on the way over and Mommy had to towel me down. I couldn't help it - I was just a tiny bit scared.
We came over to the new apartment last night with Mommy, and both Deli and I are very upset! We didn't let her get any sleep last night because we were both walking around crying. The movers are coming on Friday with the rest of our furniture, so this place is empty and scary!
Mommy keeps saying that we'll learn to like it, but I decided to spend most of my time under the sofa. Mommy put my hairy blanket under there with me so I felt secure.
Delilah is even more upset than me and does not want to eat, so Mommy is off to buy some tuna (which she loves more than anything) and maybe some other things that she'll eat. Mommy had a cat many years ago that had lipidosis, so she knows that not eating for too long is very bad for a cat. I didn't eat until this morning, but she breathed a sigh of relief when I did.
What's even worse about the situation, is Sweet Pea is enjoying OUR former home! This is definitely a travesty!
Ahh, the memories of being back in our real home with all those boxes. Maybe Mommy will change her mind and move us back there soon.