I am very happy that I won my first bout in The Kitty Fight Club! Thank you to all who voted for me and a special thank you to my cute opponent, Virgil, for such a great match! You should stop by his blog today because they're having a 'commentathon' for a really good cause!
I am almost 7 months old now and Daddy says that I'm getting to be as beautiful as Delilah. I'm almost a ladycat, so I'm learning to pose like one too!
I've learned a lot of my moves from Deli, and even though she is envious of my thumbs, I think that deep down she's kinda proud of me.
She did mention something about an important vet trip I have to make soon because I'm getting to 'that age'...and then she snickered. I don't know what she means, but it must be fun if Deli was laughing! I love surprises!
Sweet Pea
Careful Sweet Pea, if they mention getting fixed, tell them you're not broken and head for the hills.
Concatulations on winning your Kitty Fight Club match!
Your ear floof is getting very impressive!
Miss Sweet Pea, you do not get older, you just get more bootiful.
Congratulashuns on winning KFC. Yoo are gorjuss.
Congratulations, Sweet Pea, on winning the match. You are a gorgeous young ladycat, and you were an irresistible baby!
As for your upcoming vet trip....We're trying to keep straight faces here. We're sure you'll "love" this surprise. MOL!
Concatulations, Sweet Pea! Wow, you sure are growing up to be a beautiful ladycat!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Purrthay today!
♥ Maggie May
Yeah, you won the Fight club match. That is super. You are just gorgeous as a little older kitten. Poor Sweet Pea has to go to the vet. I too would sure head for the hills if you can find any. Hills that is. Have a great day.
ConCats on winning Round #1. We know the "surprise" Deli told you about. Cricket is in for the same one. You are both about the same age and yes, you are growing up to be a real beauty!
Sweet Pea, I am almost 6 months old and I will be getting my Ladygardenectomy in a few weeks. It sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Kudos for winning, Sweet Pea!!!! You are simply gorgeous, and we loved all the pics of you today. We send our love to all of you.
Congratulation, Sweet Pea. We absolutely LOVE the photos of you today - they are gorgeous!
What a cutie! Sweet Pea, you'll be slepy for a second and then "it" will be all over.
xx Lounge Kats
Concatulations on your win, beautiful girl!
Congratulations Sweet Pea.
But would you mind not looking so cute all the time? I am getting a bit worried about the next round.
Oh Sweet Pea you are so beautiful and concats on winning your Fight Club. We hate that Virgil lost because he is adorable too. We know that the fixing stuff is good but...well we'll let your Mom tell you more when the time comes.
You are growing into a beauty, Sweet Pea!! Congrats on your victory too!
YEAH...we are so glad you won!!!! You can ask ICE about being "fixed" 'cause he just came back! He is sleeping by Mommies side...all day=^Y^=
Sweat Pea, you are getting more lovely every day!!!!
We also agree that you are not 'broken' heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Oh no! A visit to the vet! Jazzie Jessie had to have that surgery last month... she was driving mom crazy!
Sweet Pea, you'll be okay, but Deli is being sneaky!
Sweet Pea, you do get more beautiful every single day! You are gorgeous!
I had my ladygardenectomy when I was 6 months old. I had no idea what was coming...it will be NO fun, but it's the best gift the ball guy can give you.
Good luck in the next round of KFC! We made a promise not to reveal who we are voting for because we love everyone so much...but we are not surprised AT ALL that you won your match.
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