My love of boxes is not secret. I think most kitties share my passion, but Mommy thinks I may be a little too obsessed with them. I think she's an enabler and it's her fault that I love boxes so much. There is always one around, just waiting to be gotten into or chewed on.
My admiration of boxes started in kittenhood. My first human mother, put us all in there!
Then, when I moved in with Mommy and Delilah, I just assumed that I was to sleep in boxes.
Neither of them tried to stop me. This kind of comfort is pure heaven!
If there was a box, I was in it.

It didn't matter what size.

Now that I'm older, I'm beginning to realize the magnitude of my addiction. Even if I'm far too large to fit in some, I still can't resist trying.
I was happily trying to fit any part of my body in this tiny box (I was even sitting on a box while doing it) and then when Mommy said 'What're you doing Monkey?', I suddenly realized that I may have a problem.
I think I need help. Look what I've become!
Samson, I really like boxes too. Maybe we should enroll in a 12 step program.
I'd attend that 12 step program... if it's in a box!! heh heh heh
I also love boxes,
when I was little
I slept always in a shoebox ;)
They tried to make me go to boxhab, I said "no, no, no"…
Samson we know you are bigger than this. Be strong and destroy every box.
For a second we hoped to see the Yawn Squeak there. Samson, we can't see ANYTHING wrong in your behaviour. Uhm, does that mean we have a problem too?
Hi Samson! The first step is admitting you have a problem. Don't worry, you are not alone in this addiction.
We think the video is so cute. Reminds us of Cal, who would try to fit in any box no matter the size.
LOL at Misha!
Samson...looks like an intervention may in your future if you don't get help yourself....
We think we need that 12 step program too. Boxes are (almost) better than toys!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Samson, what can I say? You're addiction makes me want Tommy to go out and score us some boxes! :)
ps Tommy melted at your Baby Box photos.
Hello. Our names are Gandalf, Grayson and Whitey. And we are Boxaholics, too.
There could never be enough to satisfy us. Things have been worse than usual lately since Mom had a big Yard Sale last month, and now Nana and Grampy are getting ready to have theirs...
Samson, you poor guy. Have you ever tried paper bags?.....
I don't see anything at all wrong with loving boxes so much. Really, it can't do any harm. Even if you can't fit inside them, they're still good to play with!
Go Samson!
We love boxes too. Nothing wrong with loving boxes!
Do they have Boxes Anonymous????
We were really impressed though by that yawn and the big black spot on the roof of your mouth......
Andy: Sammy says it's a sign of intelligence (maybe because he has a big black spot on his tongue?)
Long live boxes and our fetish for them!!!!!!!
Samson, it's me, K.C. I share your obsession. Currently I am living in a box, at least sleeping there when I am not laying in the sun. Don't feel bad about your obsession. There's probably a kitty group for this, "box's anonymous." I'll meet you there.
Samson, we're boxaholics too but even we know that that box is too small for you. Your floof wouldn't even fit! We also know that you are adorable and we just love seeing you in action!
You may need to start a support group Samson, because we have boxaholics in our house too - no matter what size box it is, someone tries to get in it. And of course we also have one kitty who loves to chew on the cardboard too - it is an addiction for sure.
HI, I'm King, and I'm a box addict!!! MOL!!! I'm right there with ya buddy! Regardles of size, i try to get myself into it!!!
Sniffs & Scratches~
Samson, I like boxes too and the video is so cute I think is nothing wrong with loving boxes!
Do they have Boxes Anonymous it´s because we have boxaholics in our house too. he,he Lud and Boris.
MOL Nice tonsils, Sammy!
You say "boxaholic" like it's a bad're not hurtin' anybody else, right? So go with it! Enjoy! Have fun! Don't be ashamed of your dirty little secret... ;)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We don't think that is a bad addiction! Boxes are fun.
Samson,we think it is OK to be a boxiholic ,heehee They are cozy,safe and FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just accept it and enjoy!! No need to fight it!
We also love the hairy blankets you guys got :) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,heehee
Thanks,too, for thinking about Mom. She is happy to be better :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Boxes are always the best!! Aren't they! You look all tired out!
You look darling in your box.
PS Mom is getting "your Mom knows what" on Wednesday night.
Don't worry Samson, It is not like you are in catnip all day. You aren't, are you?
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