Friday, September 25, 2009

Finally Friday

Unfortunately the humans were too busy with computer problems and work to get the Friday Funnies done for today. Hopefully they'll get their act together soon (yes, this is a guilt trip) and take care of our funnies!

I finally got to try out the 'Tortie' hairy blanket. It is so comfy!

It would be comfier if I had a certain Tortie to share with, though.

Speaking of Torties, it's Sweet Praline's 14th birthday and she's having a slumber party today! Delilah and I are attending, so maybe we'll bring along our hairy blanket.

Hope you have a great weekend!



dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Keep the girls warm till I get there Sampson... I'm gonna crash dat party!!


Peggy's Place said...

Mom loves when she sees beautiful kitties on the hairy blankies. You make them look so nice.

Anya said...

I love your blankie
it looks so soft .....
hugs to you
Kareltje =^.^=

Misha said...

You look like you're saving a spot for Delilah! ;)

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh please, please, please can we try the blankie???

Tuck said...

That is a pawsome looking blanket!!!

The Creek Cats said...

Samson, you are really enjoying that hairy blanket! We love ours too!

Maggie May and Saylor are having a great time at Praline's slumber party!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I love that blanket.. You look sooo comfy on there.. The party was great and it was good to see you there.. Hugs GJ xx

meowmeowmans said...

THat sure looks like a great blanket, Samson. Have a great weekend!

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a pawsome blanket. We're at the party too - can we try it?

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

SeaThreePeeO said...

That sure is a pawsome blanket.

Have a great weekend!

Cats in trees said...

As disappointed as we are about the missing funnies, we love seeing you on the hairy blanket. You really know how to enjoy that.

The Kitty Krew said...

You look quite handsome on the 'tortie' hairy blankie, Samson! We can't wait until we see a photo of you two on there together.

We'll see you both at Sweet Praline's party!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Island Cats said...

Your blanket looks so makes us sleepy just looking at it!

Se you and Delilah over at Praline's party! Maybe we can try out your blanket!

Cory said...

If you can bring that blankie to the party, I'd like to try burrowing in it.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I hope you let me try out that blanket for a little snuggle while you are at the party.

Mishkat said...

Samson, you look great on that blanket! We love the pose - it's so cute!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Have a purrrrfect weekend, dear friends.

Reese =^..^= said...

Samson, you look so comfy and cute on that sweet blankie. I hope you bring it to the slumber party!!

BeadedTail said...

Samson, am I the certain Tortie you want to share that blanket with? Just wonderin'!


Anonymous said...

We are lovin' those big paws of yours - just lovin' 'em!

Anonymous said...

Samson, you are such a handsome, photogenic dude!!! We'll see ya over at Praline's pawty!!! We'd like to try out that blankie too!!! Have a happy weekend!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

you look very nice on the blanket!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

That is one beautiful blankie, it is even more beautiful with you resting on it!
~ Jasmine

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is such a cute picture of you with the blanky Samson!

CCL Wendy said...

We'll see you at the party, Samson, cuz Dante, Dylan and Domino are there, too!

Your blankie sure does look comfy, and it would be great for a sleepover!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is a comfy looking blanket! And you look real nice on it!

Quill and Greyson said...

I think you look great on the blankie!