...for now, not only am I free of the symptoms of allergies, I'm also free of the symptoms of the steroids I took to relieve my itching. The symptoms included chin pimples, various skin problem flare-ups, lethargy, diabetes risk and, of course, the excessive hunger that contributed to my now more than ample physique.
Santa must have known that I need a lot of exercise to get back into shape because over the holidays he infested our house with Red Dot bugs
They're everywhere! Deli and I have been going crazy trying to catch them all.
One thing Deli and I noticed is that these lightning fast insects only seem to appear when Mommy is home. Maybe humans attract Red Dot bugs...
I'm working hard to catch them all and win the battle of the bulge at the same time!
Almost got him that time... |
Those red bugs are hard to catch. When Angel gets tired of chasing them, she looks at my hand and meows very loud!
Our house is infested wif those things too! They must die!
You know, our hairy slobbery sister cinnamone chases the Red Dot Bugs too!
PS Me is happy yous is feeling wonderful!
Those red dot bugs make us all go crazy too. And yeah, they always appear only when Mommy is around. Think they are only attracted to Mommy's?
So happy you've not had the itchies and that the steroid symptoms are also gone. Allergies are really hard to figure out.
Those red dots can be tricky to catch!
Samson, this is a terrific update, we're glad you're feeling well. Paws crossed the itchies stay away!
The Red Dot Bug makes an appearance at our house too, but only Derry shows interest in trying to catch it. :-P
Handsome Samson!! Yay for red dot bugs! LOL!! Me and Charlie hope you and beautiful Delilah catch them all! Yay!
Aww we are so happy to learn that your allergies are under control now! Hoorah!!
Big hugs too to adorable Sweet Pea, Gabriel and bella Bella! Take care
We are so HAPY that your skin itchies are better. Stay well sweet boy, xx
I am so glad you are itch free! Keeping our fingers and paws crossed that they stay away! Have fun catching those red dot bugs. They seem to be everywhere. ;)
xo Catherine & Banjo
MOL, Samson, we have those red dog bugs too. Aren't they fun. Samson and Delilah, is so good to see you. We really have missed all of you. What good news, that your itchies are gone for now. WhoooooooHooooooo.
Take care.
We're so happy to hear that you're doing so well. We hope you can catch all of those Red Dot Bugs!!
The Florida Furkids
We hope those itchies stay away for good!
We are so glad you are less itchy - that couldn't have been much fun. Good luck with those red dot bugs...we have one here but he has been missing for a while (hint hint mom)
We are so pleased that those itches have gone Samson - we think we'll have to get a red dot for Hannah as she is on steroids and always first for dinner (hers and Lucys!!). LOL.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
YAY, Samson.....we purr that the itchies stay away!!!!!!!!!!
If you and Deli need help catching those red dot bugs, us boys will happily send Shelly and Sierra to help you!!!!!!!!!!
Love and Purrs,
Sammy and Andy
Red bugs! Awesome! Nice pictures.
We are very glad your skin troubles are better Samson!!!
Samson, we're so glad that the itchies haven't come back. And we purr that they never do! But as for that Red Dot Bug...let us know if you ever catch it. We've been unsuccessful at doing so.
Glad those itchies have not come back my friend..I bet you are having lots of fun with the red dot bugs but they do drive you mad..MOL Hugs GJ xx
We are glad your itchies aaare staying away from you, handsome Samson. We'll cross our paws that this continues!
You know, we find the same thing with those red dots ... humans MUST be the carriers, because we only see them when the mom and the dad are around.
We are glad your itchies have stayed away. That red dot bug looks like a tricky little devil.
You are so mighty a kitty! Mommy found me some red dot bugs and I totally ignore them~! What's up with THAT she wonders?
can you tell mommy how your allergies were diagnosed and what you're taking?
Samson, we're glad your itchies are staying away! You are just so handsome! Hope you and Deli catch all those red bugs!
We are glad your itchies are staying away and we hope they are gone for good.
YAY!!!! I have been "allergy-free" for about the same length of time...I think the longest for me has been around 3 months. Hope we both stay allergy free for quite some time!
Have fun with the laser!
Love, Cody
Those pesky red dots...who do they think they are? Personal Trainers? ...well, maybe they ARE! (hey, beats the treadmill)
xo Katie
SO glad you are feeling better!!!
It's wonderful to see you! I'm so happy that your itchies have gone away -- or are at least taking a vaCATion.
Yes, we got red dot bugs around here, too, for Christmas. They seem to be even brighter at night for some reason.
They sure are hard to catch, though. Sometimes they move all over the place and we chase them, but they always get away! CATnabit!
Samson, we are purring knowing that your itchies stay away. Maybe they know how many furriends you have...
You know what? Now that you mention it...that horrid red bug only appears when mom and dad are in the room...what's up with that??
Those bugs make up run around too! Carl tries to shake them off his paws when they land there!
Those bugs make up run around too! Carl tries to shake them off his paws when they land there!
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