Friday, May 7, 2010

Finally Friday

It's finally Friday and Delilah and I are enjoying our sunbeams and ready to hunker down and snuggle tonight! Mommy wasn't sure whether or not she should move our battered up old aquarium stand, but after this photo, she's very glad she did. Our hairy blanket and our empty aquarium stand is all we need for some good old snuggling.

It turns out Mommy's instincts about my urine problem were correct. I had another occurrence of interstitial cystitis. It's all cleared up now, thanks to the vet and his prescription pad, but Mommy is talking to the vet about some alternative methods to keep my stress level down. I'm okay now and peeing normally, and now that I'm accustomed to our new place, I probably won't have another episode anytime soon, but she wants to avoid this kind of thing for the future.

There's still a lot of unpacking to do, so Delilah and I plan to help out the best way we know how - furring up the furniture and enjoying the remaining boxes!

Have a good weekend!



Sweet Purrfections said...

Glad you discovered the problem. Do you need any help with floofing up the furniture?

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Glad you're both settling in, and that you're feeling better.

BeadedTail said...

We're so glad you are better Samson! You're purrty cute snuggling with Deli but we sure wish we were the ones snuggling with you. Delilah is one lucky kitty!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Talk nicely and your mummy might let you keep the boxes!

Kea said...

We're glad you're on the mend, Samson! And the aquarium stand with the blankie is the purrfect spot to curl up.

Lots of good vibes and purrs to you and Delilah and your mom, as you get better, unpack and settle in! :-)

Marg said...

We are thrilled that you got your little problem straightened out. You two look terrific all snuggly on your blanket. It is fun unpacking those boxes, then you can get in the boxes and you must have a lot of them. Have a great day and don't work too hard.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Floofing up the furniture is a vey impawtant activity. So we're guessing yoo have a busy weekend. Enjoy!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Great pics! Love the first bum-to-bum shot!!

Glad to hear the wee problems was cleared up too.

Have a great weekend all!

Raymond and Busby said...

Samson, I had that same problem. Our Vet recommended a product called Carpon, it's made from cranberries. No prescription needed. You may want to ask you Vet about a cranberry-based supplement. Mine is in a pill and my Mom crushes it up and puts it in my food once a day.

Enjoy your hairy blanket! xo, Busby

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear your pee~pee problems went away. And you are both doing an amazing job helping your mommy! Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Oh that white sofa needs lots of furrin' up! LOL Samson it is great that you are feeling better and your Mommy loves you so much to do anything to help you over this problem. Mommy belongs to the Bengal rescue and you wouldn't believe how many are givin' up due to this problem! Tinker also has had bouts with this problem but Mommy would never, ever, EVER, think of giving him up. she says we are family 100 percent!
We wish your Mommy a very Happy Mother's Day!!=^Y^=

CCL Wendy said...

In that first picture it made me think of duels -- you know, pistols at dawn -- turn and fire!

I'm so glad that your Mommy figured out that your problem was physical and not just psychological, Samson, because now it's all better.

It's wonderful to see and Deli snuggling again, and furring up the place. The furrier the better, huh!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Awwwwwwwww, you are so cute snuggled together!!!!!!

We are happy you are better, Samson.....moving can be really stressful!!!!

Happy snoopervising as your mom unpacks...:)


Sparkle said...

It looks like you guys are settling in! Good thing your human is on top of things with your health, Samson. If she finds good ways to keep your stress level down (other than never moving!), make sure to share them with us.

Maggie May said...

Ohmygoodness! The pic of you snuggling is melting our mom! She wishes we would do that!!

So glad to hear you are better, Sammy. Would love to know what your mom finds out about natural remedies for stress!

The Island Cats said...

Samson, we're glad you are peeing better and getting used to the new place! You all have a great weekend helping your mom unpack!!


We were unable to get online yesterday so we didn't know you weren't feeling well, but we are glad now that is all taken care of and you are doing better. We're glad everyone is settling in, it looks like you've got some great places to nap in sun puddles and other interesting new places to check out.


Just Ducky said...

Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes.

Katnip Lounge said...

We are happy you are feeling good! You & Deli look soooo comfy on your blankie. Life, once again, is Good.

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom and I both wanna give you soothing snuggles Samson.

Catherine said...

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and that you are feeling better Samson!

Cats in Trees said...

We are glad you are better. Cuddling with Deli should keep your stress level way down. And once all the unpacking is done, and you don't have to check out all the boxes you can do lots more of that.

Anonymous said...

Pee problems stink, Samson. How well Gandalf knows that!

Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!

meowmeowmans said...

Well, we are certainly glad you're on the mend, Samson. And happy to see you guys are settling in. :)

Cat Street Boyz said...

We wish your Mommy a wonderful Mother's Day......good day for snuggles=^Y^=

Cory said...

Looks like you are gettig more comfortable in your new digs. Glad you are better Samson.

Purrs to your mom for Mother's Day!

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that you got your pee problems sorted out, Samson, and I hope your Mom finds a way to stop it from happening again. I am also glad that you are settling into your new home nicely now.