Whatcha doin' up there handsome?
Are you ruling the roost way up there? We like your Cartman magnet.
Is that a "feed me now" pose? :-)
Yoo look like yoo are plotting sumfing!
Refrigerator Cat, Scylla likes sitting on our fridge. ~AFSS
Dude--you found the BEST perch to over see your kingdom!!
That's a great place to hang out to check out your new surroundings.
Glad to see you found the top of the fridge, Samson!!
Hey! You have a Cartman magnet!
Hiya, cutie!!
Hope you're watching your mum make you some FOOD!!!
Samson looks like the King surveying his new domain! I guess all is well if the cat is sitting on top of the fridge! LOL!
You are so very handsome, Samson!!!!We'd love to have y'all come on down and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with us!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Samson, that is a great place to snoopervise everything going on in the kitchen!
Will Hiya Samsom! Mom LOVES your Cartman magnet!
Are you a fridge magnet . . . or just waiting for a snackage opportunity?
Sampson,Salem is swooning! Anyone have any smelling salts!?!xx lounge kats
Samson! You are "over the moon" handsome up there on your perch!~Lisa Co9T
Samson that looks like a good place to check everything out from!purrs>^,,^<Abby
Oh, we emailed you some torttoe pictures for your contest. Did you get them? - your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life :)
It is VERY important to make sure you have the best view of what's going on in the kitchen. Excellent job!
What you doin Samson? You gots a good eye of fings up dere don't you! MOLPurrrrrrrrs
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Whatcha doin' up there handsome?
Are you ruling the roost way up there? We like your Cartman magnet.
Is that a "feed me now" pose? :-)
Yoo look like yoo are plotting sumfing!
Refrigerator Cat, Scylla likes sitting on our fridge. ~AFSS
Dude--you found the BEST perch to over see your kingdom!!
That's a great place to hang out to check out your new surroundings.
Glad to see you found the top of the fridge, Samson!!
Hey! You have a Cartman magnet!
Hiya, cutie!!
Hope you're watching your mum make you some FOOD!!!
Samson looks like the King surveying his new domain! I guess all is well if the cat is sitting on top of the fridge! LOL!
You are so very handsome, Samson!!!!
We'd love to have y'all come on down and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with us!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxx
Samson, that is a great place to snoopervise everything going on in the kitchen!
Will Hiya Samsom! Mom LOVES your Cartman magnet!
Are you a fridge magnet . . . or just waiting for a snackage opportunity?
Salem is swooning! Anyone have any smelling salts!?!
xx lounge kats
Samson! You are "over the moon" handsome up there on your perch!
~Lisa Co9T
Samson that looks like a good place to check everything out from!
Oh, we emailed you some torttoe pictures for your contest. Did you get them? - your pals at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life :)
It is VERY important to make sure you have the best view of what's going on in the kitchen. Excellent job!
What you doin Samson? You gots a good eye of fings up dere don't you! MOL
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