Friday, May 21, 2010

Fun Toy Friday

We were very honored to be chosen as testers for The Casbah Kitten's new toy - Rare orange-tongued noisy night frogs!

We received one for each of us to test, and since I'm writing this blog, we'll start with my review.

These little froggies smell SO good! It must be the premium nip that Jane and Alice grow in their garden. I couldn't help but rub this little critter all over my face.

They're slippery too! While I turned to see what Mommy was all excited about on the TV... froggy slipped away! Don't worry, I punished him later.

Samson also noticed how wonderfully intoxicating these little guys are. He was instantly drunk on the nip!

He got so silly that he tried to wear his froggy on his feet! Mommy says the human equivalent is a lampshade over the head.

Sweet Pea may be new to toy testing, but she has impressed me with her thoroughness! In her enthusiasm, she really put her froggy to the test, and by all accounts, her little froggy was a hit!

She even tasted his froggy legs!

We all agree that these froggies are wonderfully tasty, easy to bat around and the nip is highly potent. We give the Rare Orange-Tongued Noisy Night Frogs eight very enthusisastic thumbs up (Sweet Pea has two extra thumbs). These yummy creatures will be available in The Casbah Kitten store in early June.

Monkey tested - Monkey approved!



Karen Jo said...

That froggy does look like a great toy.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

What a cute toy! We want to try some of that good catnip.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Hee hee hee!! These photos of you are such a hoot Sampson! You get that froggie!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Iffen yoo kiss them, do they turn into a handsome prince, or princess?

Lisa Kolosey said...

What a fun toy!
~Lisa Co9T

Cindy said...

What fun! On the Christmas list.

Marg said...

What good reviewers you three are. We certainly want one of those but we will just have to get a bunch of them. Besides fun, it is cute too.

Keiko said...

Ooo Froggy looks great, and so fun!

Kea said...

Those frogs look great! We especially love that photo of Samson, though we can see you all enjoyed the nip in the toys. :-D

Pip said...

This a very good review! We wants a froggy too. Mommy puts date on the calendar so we nots forgets.
We likes the picshurs too!
Hasa grate weekend.

The Island Cats said...

Those froggies look really fun!! We gotta get some Casbah Cat toys! Everybuddy raves about them!!

pee ess. are you watching House??

Raymond and Busby said...

Wow! That frog looks super fun. (and cute too!)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That looks like a great toy!

Katnip Lounge said...

"Monkey tested, Monkey approved!"

There's no better endorsment than that!

Mommy says politicians should use it (hee hee) and you could get a royalty!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Deli, you are such a beauty....we always hear Tom Jones singing Delilah in our head when we see you!!!!

MOL....Samson, you are a total hoot!!!

Good job, Sweet Pea....aren't you happy you have two more thumbs to give a thumbs up with???

We luvsy'all.....xxxxxxxxxx

BeadedTail said...

The new froggy toy looks like so much fun! We love Casbah Kitten toys and will have to get us some Monkey tested, Monkey approved froggys!

Rusty said...

That toy looks interesting. These days I don't play with many toys anymore. At 19, I'm lucky if I make it to the litter box and the food dish. But, I still thought, if I were a younger kittie, that toy would be real cool.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

They are what I call a toy, full of nip and small enough to flick about. Perfect.. Hugs GJ xx


Oh wow monkey tested and approved we have to have one!


The Florida Furkids said...

We need some of those Casbah Kitten toys. They all look like fun!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Baby Patches said...

Pawsome! Those froggies looks so cute and I luvs NIP!


Your Daily Cute said...

Those look REALLY cute! I may just have to check them out for Pimp and Moo when they come out in June!

Anonymous said...

Monkey approved! hahahaha!

We have real frogs at the Swamp. With real slime and sticky. Momma has to keep rescuing them from us. And she does not enjoy that. hahahaha!

And we have to watch House with Momma every week. That episode ending was pawesome!

lupie said...

Froggy looks really fun!!!

Quill and Greyson said...

He looks totally fun!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That looks so fun! You are good testers! You are very funny Samson! Wearing the froggie on your feets!

Just Ducky said...

Great job toy testing.

Lynx217 said...

Samson you have an award waiting for you at our blog. Concatulations!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We still don't have any Casbah toys...the froggie is the cutest, looks like fun to flip by his little legs!