Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tortie Tuesday

Samson here. I realize it's a little strange that I'm doing a Tortie Tuesday post, but I feel I must offer some advice on how to deal with Torties to my Mancat friends Sammy and Andy since it looks like they will have the beautiful Tortie Shelly in their lives very soon.

Deli and I have a fairly harmonious relationship but it's only because I follow the very important Tortie rules.

1) She is always right! Even though you know in the depths of your soul that you are right, you're wrong! Get used to it. There's no way around it...believe me, I've tried. You may be physically more powerful than her, but trust me, she will make your life a living hell unless you agree with her.

2) Let her approach you for smooching. Torties are incredibly beautiful and I know firstpaw how attractive they are, but friends, they never want to smooch when you do. Take what you can get and give her big kisses after she gives you the sign. It's all you'll ever get.

3) Give her the most comfortable spot in the house. It may seem unfair but my motto is: A happy Tortie equals a happy Mancat. These girls are headstrong and they will push you out of your favorite spot without blinking an eye. In fact, I really don't think they even know how to blink.

4) Know when to walk away. Always leave them wanting more. This way they will never get tired of you. As difficult as it is to leave their embrace, it keeps them appreciating your charms. Besides, if you end up staying longer than you should, you'll get smacked.

They're really not as bad as they sound. Their incredible beauty and dogged loyalty will win you over every time. If you follow these simple rules, you'll be happy Mancats with the beautiful Shelly to show off!



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is very good advise for the Texas boys!

RoySr said...

No Torties at Five Oaks but we had a couple years back. Samson,I know what you went through. Our ManCats (we had 5 then) were all run ragged by the two little hussyfurrs. They were beauties, and they KNEW it.

Beautiful pix of beautiful kitties.

Love them all.

Roy and the 6 Mouskateers of Five Oaks Manor.

Mr Puddy said...

Wow ! Samson, You are an absolute gentle man and really sweet brother !!! Deli, you are a lucky girl : )

The Chair Speaks said...

Great advice.
Torties are beautiful.

Old Kitty said...

Handsome Samson!! Well done you for following these very impawtant rules!! Miss beautiful Delilah looks wonderfully happy and very impressed with all your efforts! Yay!!!

Me and Charlie hope you work your charm too with the other tortie beauties, bella Bella and Sweet Pea! Take care

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Hey, Samson, we thank you for the Tortie rules!!!! Things are moving along well...Shelly definitely has made this her home, and we just kinda lay there and watch her now.....she's kind of a rowdy kid compared to us!!!!!

Love to all of you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think you've got it all figured out fur sure!

Marg said...

Oh Samson, you have the rules all so correct. We have two torties here and they are definitely in charge. No one is allowed any where near them. Samson, you are one smart dude.
Thanks for your nice purrs for Lucky.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Our mum read this post and says thank goodness neither of my girls are a tortie or I would never sit in my chair ever or even be able to get into bed!!
Samson you rock.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

CCL Wendy said...

What great advice, Samson! I think there are many human males who should follow your example when it comes to their partners, too.

It's just the way of the world, feline or human!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Samson, yoo got Torties sussed! MOL!

The Creek Cats said...

Samson, you are so right! Those rules are right on!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Samson, you definitely have the torties right on!

Admiral Hestorb said...

come see your awardie ♥

Admiral Hestorb said...

Sampson, you are a cat among cats and a gentleman cat besides. You totally understand us Torties and I think I feel a tiny bit in love with you.

BeadedTail said...

Samson, you are such a sweet Mancat! You do have Deli all figured out. My Tortie sisfur is extremely mellow so doesn't really know about all the Tortie rules so let's just keep it that way!


wildcatwoods said...

Our tortie Chica approves of your advice!

Cats of Wildcat Woods


You gave Sammy and Andy some EXCELLENT advise!



The Island Cats said...

Wow, Samson, our dad has the same rules about our mom!! Haha!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Ya know, I think Mom may be tortie too...

Cat said...

sounds like good advice Samson!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

LOL @ Fin's comment! That is really good advice Samson and Sammy and Andy won't go far wrong as long as they follow it.
Mum had a tortie once (Kitty Yumbum's mother) and the vet came to see a horse. He had a labrador in the back of his car which jumped out and went to sniff her. She gave him a good whapping and chased him right back into the car!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

You are wise beyond your years---such sage advice! Kiki's a real tortie, and a real diva. Coco is patched tabby and they are really tortie,too but she is much more 'fun and gregarious' with the other cats than Kiki.