Saturday, August 3, 2013

One More Monkey?

Most of you who know us well know that there are 6 Monkeys.  Samson, Bella, Iggy and I live with Mommy and Sweet Pea and Gabriel live with their Daddy just down the street.  We live in a one bedroom apartment in a high-rise building and Mommy has said in the past that any amount past 4 Monkeys would be the straw that broke the camel's back.

We'd like you to meet the straw!

Last Monday in the early morning, Mommy had a hard time sleeping.  She was restless and couldn't sleep so she moved out to the couch to watch some TV and eventually ended up falling back to sleep.  At around 5:30 AM she heard little kitten cries, but because she was still sleeping, they were incorporated into her dream.  When she woke up and still heard the kitten, she realized it wasn't a dream and went to the door and saw this little one all alone in the hallway of the apartment building!  She had been crying at OUR door.  Mommy was still groggy but she was sure little one escaped from an apartment on our floor so she walked up and down to see if anyone had their door open.  Mommy stayed home from work, put up signs and spoke to the building manager.  No one came forward to claim this little kitten.  We think she was abandoned.

It is possible that she will stay with Sweet Pea and Gabriel, but I know Mommy - she is already in love with this crazy kitten and I don't think she'll let her go.  She is already making plans to move to a larger apartment in the spring! 

She doesn't have a name yet but we are working on it and should have one soon.  If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear it.

I haven't seen any camels around here but if you see one, please give him your purrs.  His back is broken!



Katie Isabella said...

I saw this baby on FB and here I am to add more to the fact that my mommy is in lurve with your new baby! What a little love and I hope all the big kitties will be kind to theis little "grizzly bear".


Hannah and Lucy said...

What a pretty little kitten - people are so thoughtless when they just dump them - thank goodness you found her and we know she will have a lovely home with you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

Karen, you are just like me, a cat magnet. I am so glad that cute thing is staying with you. We knew you couldn't resist. That is karma that it came to your door. Someone knew what they were doing.Hopefully it all works out. Take care and a big thanks from us.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, she's a doll! Wonder if whoever abandoned her knew you had cats and would take her in (or hoped). A pox on that human for abandoning this sweet baby in the first place, but at least she's safe with you!

BeadedTail said...

We are sure that kitten knew just the door to go to! She wanted to be a Monkey and we're so glad she is! She's precious!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! What a cutie!!! Awww we are so sad some bad person's abandoned this sweetheart but we are glad you found her! She's lovely!! Yay! Take care

Cory said...

She is so adorable and sweet! Maybe you should name her "2nd Bedroom" Ha!Just kidding. When faced with more Monkeys...just get a bigger place! Love it!


Cory and family

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, poor camel. And to have a broken back from such a tiny meower.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

What a sweetie pie! Since she was the straw that broke the camel's back (poor Camel), maybe you should call her Strawberry! MOL.
How pawsome that your Mommy is considering moving to a bigger apartment to accomodate her growing Monkey family. :)

Summer at said...

I really don't know how anyone could possibly abandon such a cute little fluffball! In any case, she was very smart to know which door to come meowing at!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Oh my goodness! What a cutie! Yeah, I can see where the camel would get his back broken..
Hmm, names... Guess who came to dinner! Sidney, lol! I don't know the character's name, but I'm sure it wouldn't be unisex anyway and Sidney Poitier is/was as handsome as this kitty is pretty!
She showed up in time for breakfast? Breakfast at/with Tiffany!
Ok, I'll stop... hee hee

Katnip Lounge said...

She looks like a flower name to us...Lily? Tulip?


CCL Wendy said...

What an adorably irresistible little one! I can see why you have fallen in love with her already. I'll bet she's chock full of PURRSonality, too!

A name that came to mind when I looked at her is "Lady Grey", which is, oddly enough one of my favourite kinds of tea. Lady Grey is the feminine version of Earl Grey.

Right now she's just a little lady, but some day she's be lady kitty sized.

It was obviously meant to me because she found you!

The Swiss Cats said...

What a cutie ! We are sure she didn't come fortuitously to your door : she knew where to meow !

Cat with a Garden said...

This kitten is so very precious. Even we want to place kisses on its cute little snout!
But what a strange abandonment story. How weird, could really someone in the building just throw its own cat out into the hallway?

Mickey's Musings said...

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must have a strong magnet for this baby to find you ;) heehee
As it is August,how about Augusta,then you could call her Augie or Gusta :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Lue said...

This story sounds so much like Bob the Street Cat!

Quill and Greyson said...

Dear Cod what a cutie! Mom would be a mess if that kitten showed up here! Concats!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

She is absolutely beautiful and precious! She is one very lucky kitten to get to be a Monkey. Congratulations on the new addition to the family!

Random Felines said...

what a cutie. with a story like that, she should be named "mystery" :)

Julia Williams said...

Oh my goodness!!! She is just the most adorable little thing. How about Misty...because it's mysterious how she came to meow at your door.

Mr Puddy said...

Awww !!!!! Me and mom fall in love with her too !
So adorable, Sooooooooo Cute !!!!!
I think she already make herself to be one of the MONKEY...tee..heh..heh

Give her a big cuddle from me
(((( ))))))

Terri said...

People often abandon cats at apartment complexes. You have a lot of potential "homes" in a small area.

We think she looks like a beautiful gray Pearl.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh my she is one of the most beautiful kittens I have ever seen! It is almost like she was sent from above. found her in the wee hours of the morning?

You know the song Chelsea Morning? I would name her "Chelsea"

The Island Cats said...

Aw, she is the cutest! We bet some human knew you were a cat lover and left that kitten at your door. Though how someone could abandon a kitten as cute as her is beyond us!

You've gotten some good suggestions for names. Maybe she will tell you which one she likes best. :)

Welcome Little Monkey!

Catherine said...

Oh what a little cutie!! Love those white mittens. So sweet.
xo Catherine

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

What an amazingly adorable straw! :) and smart too, finding such a good home for herself.

Welcome little straw monkey..

(which if you google it you'll see that Tiffany makes a straw with a monkey, so how about Tiffany? )

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Our Mommy fell in love with her, too! SHe is a sweet baby and was lucky to pick your door!

The Chair Speaks said...

Oh what a cute lovely little monkey straw! We are in love! Purrs!

meowmeowmans said...

Seriously, how could anybody abandon that little cutie pie??? IN any case, we are very thankful she decided to cry in front of *your* door. Poor camel!

Karen Jo said...

She sure knew which door to meow at. She is adorable. It is beyond me how anyone could abandon such a cutie. I am sure she will tell you her name in time.

Oui Oui said...

What a little sweetie! They always seem to know whose door to go to. Concats on your new sweetheart and family member.