Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thoughts on Thursday

It seems the only time we blog these days is for events, and today is no exception.

Late last year Mommy reconnected with one of her good friends from high school on Facebook.  It had been 30 years since Mommy had seen Richard but she quickly realized why she had been friends with him in the first place - he loves cats!  More specifically, he loved his cat - Galine.

Galine had Cerebellar  Hypoplasia which made her walk a little funny but it just made Richard love her even more.  About a month ago, Richard adopted a kitten that had been rescued from a feral colony.  He originally wanted the new little one to be a friend for Galine, but he was unaware that Galine was ailing with kidney cancer.  Sadly, she passed away on July 23rd.

Richard was inconsolable, but he realized that his new kitten was lonely so he set out to adopt a new kitten to bond with the little one. 

What he found was a pair of kittens that had been abandoned on the farm of a woman who was receiving chemotherapy and was rarely there.  He adopted them both and saved them from a life outside.

Now his home is full of love with these three young cats!  Galine was loved so much and we know she'd be happy that her Daddy opened his home to these three beautiful cats.

Thank you, Richard, for saving these babies.  We send purrs and head bumps.



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry that Richard lost Galine. We know it was a hard decision to bring in more kittens, but made the right choice

Summer at said...

Richard sounds like a really awesome human - purrs to him for Galine's loss.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

It is people like Richard (and people like you who share stories like this) who keep me going.. I have hard time fostering when all I see are people abandoning cats and or not caring much what happens to them.

this post left me with leaky eyes.. happy leaky.. but still.. Thank you so much for sharing..

meowmeowmans said...

That's so beautiful. Richard sounds like an awesome human! Purrs to him on the loss of his beloved Galine.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We send purrs to Richard and hope the kittens will comfort him a little on the loss of his precious Galine. She may have been directing him to them from her place at Rainbow Bridge.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Furries of Whisppy said...

What a great guy! We're sorry Galine had to run off to the bridge.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Aw, cat guys are the best!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this was sooooo beautiful!
Richard is definitely an angel!!

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry to hear about Galine. Richard was wonderful to take all those kitties in. Big headbutts to him. :)

Oui Oui said...

This is such a lovely story. For reasons unknown to us, the last 3 times we adopted someone new, one of the older kitties passed away a couple months later. While its always painful losing a beloved kitty, the new ones help with that pain. Purrs to Richard, and thanks for opening his heart and home.

Sweet Purrfections said...

What a wonderful story for World Cat Day


Beautiful pictures.
Beautiful story.
Beautiful human!!!