Monday, October 4, 2010

Mancat Monday

While Delilah is my main girlcat, lately I find that I've been thinking about Bella a lot.

Those big, googly eyes, her long silky fur and her tiny little body keep me interested.

The problem is, she doesn't want anything to do with me!

I've tried everything and she still rejects my advances. Do any of you Mancats out there know how to woo a tiny little Persian Tortie?



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We have no advise. We have trouble getting Angel to look at us with our growling!

Katnip Lounge said...

Have you tried a fish head bouquet? Or how about a temptation tiramisu? Sampson, a LadyCat sometimes likes to play hard to get. Persist!

Raymond and Busby said...

We love the new header. Dude, we think of Delilah and Bella as your sisters...

Old Kitty said...

Isn't bella Bella such a sweetie?? She look so cute and tiny and floofy and just perfect!! AWWWW!! Me and Charlie can certainly see the attraction handsome Samson!

We say give it time!!

A big hello too to adorable Delilah and lovely Sweet Pea! Take care

Boom Nisanart said...

: ) How about you share her with the catnip toy ! might be a good start to spend some time together : )

Everyday Mr Puddy

Maggie May said...

Bella is such a little darling! Reminds us so much of our foster, Sweetie! What a doll! Good luck with her, Samson!!

The Island Cats said...

Samson, you're such a handsome guy, we bet she can't resist you much longer!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Coming from a tortie Persian (me), we like to appear aloof, but crave attention. We like to be pampered and told how beautiful we are. Good luck!

Kea said...

We boys have no suggestions, either, since Annie mostly hisses and snarls at us!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Sorry, wish I could help you, but I have a feeling that purrsistent may be the key!

Cory said...

Nigel here!

Um...Samson, I've continually struck out with Ellie. The only thing that is working for me is just getting closer little by little. Apparetnly a big beefy paw around her neck is NOT the way to go.

Good luck!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Poor Samson!!!!! You could always send Bella to us and we'll see if we can peak her interest...:)

Love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh you poor sweetie! But we totally understand...Bella is one gorgeous ladycat! Try woo-ing her with some treats.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hmmm....we thought Bella & Delilah were your sisters too. Dude....

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Pretend yoo're not interested ~ that usually werks wonders!

BeadedTail said...

Maybe Bella knows that you were meant for us! We wouldn't reject your advances Samson!

Marg said...

Oh dear, poor Samson. Don't give up. Give her lots of time. She really is a beauty. We can't blame you for wanting to be friends with her. Have a great week.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Aww just keep trying and she must fall for your charms eventualy.. HUgs GJ x

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Don't give up Samson, she's playing hard to get.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

We live with a tortie, Kiki, and we can't figure out when she wants us close and when she doesn't...Disco and Brighton said No staring and no ham fisted heavy petting...

Anonymous said...

Just be nice to her everyday and eventually she'll come around.

Mickey's Musings said...

Samson, Bella is a cutie, but you may be heading for trouble with Delilah :0
Maybe over time Bella will relax a bit toward you :) Just play it cool!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie


We do not know how she could resist you, perhaps she is just playing hard to get.


Anonymous said...

Don't cheat on Deli, Samson! You just might need to have your tail kicked;)

Quill and Greyson said...

Samson, why don't you teleport over and Mom and I will snuggle you!

Anonymous said...

We think she thinks you are her brother so ...don't know how to help ya there!

Keiko said...

Mawhawhaw! I will tell you no secrets, because Yuji might be reading and I certainly don't want him to know anything about winning me over!
But you are a handsome mancat so Bella won't be able to resist for too long, I'm sure!!!