I'm also sending very positive thoughts and purrs to Inigo, who is struggling right now while he adjusts to his medicine and his illness. I know you can do it, Inigo. You have a lot of people who love you. Stay strong, buddy.
And some other friends of mine are having a difficult time with their current residence. I am purring that Sammy and Andy find a new apartment quickly! The auction to help them with their new place is HERE
Hey Samson - You turn brown in the sun like my Sooty used to do...
He was a black and white kitty like you...
I'm hoping little Inigo pulls through too - Him and his brother are handsome man cats too!
We were sorry to hear about Rusty too. We didn't know him, but he sounds like he was a great cat. His humans obviously took great care of him, 19 years old! Wow. What a great life.
We are purring and purring for Inigo.
WE were very sad about Rusty, too!
We are sorry about Rusty.
and we keep purring for Inigo
Awwww sweet and thoughtful Samson!! Me and Charlie are so sad to hear about Rusty! We send purrs to his family!
And we are so so so purring very hard for Inigo too!! He is a fighter and will not give up!! Go Inigo!!
Hugs too to sweet Delilah, Sweetpea and bella Bella! Take care
Samson, we're purring for Rusty's family and for Inigo too. Actually, we've added a Purrs Page to our blog now, so the mom can try to keep track better of who really needs purrs.
BTW, we LOVE LOVE LOVE your header graphic! Pawsome!
We feel the same today. It is hard to lose sweet little Rusty and we too are concerned for dear little Inigo.
We're so sorry to hear about your friend Rusty. We didn't know him but we'll send purrs to his family. And we're purring EVERY DAY for Inigo to get better!
We were very sad to hear about Rusty. We will miss him so much. Purring for Inigo and Sammy and Andy.
Wow, there's so much tortitude in your header!!
I come to invite you for going to my blog and have participated in my 1st miaumiau luck .. would love ...
Ronrons of
Samson, you are looking mighty fluffy there. Those are all terrific wishes. We are hoping Inigo can get better and Lucy too. We were very sad about Rusty.
Take care and have a great week.
It's so sad when friends have to leave us. But there is sure lots of love in Blogland for those in need!
Sending you a warm hug today Samson!
xo Catherine
You are such a thoughtful and handsome boy Samson.
We too are missing Rusty and are purring for Inigo.
We didn't know Rusty but have been over to visit his blog. My boys are very worried about Inigo and purring hard for him to get better!
We hear that Sammy and Andy may have found a new place to live, so that is some positive news :-)
Samson, you are such a great furriend, dedicating your ManCat Monday to you furriends. We are sad about Rusty running off, and that Inigo isn't feeling well. We placed 2 bids in Sammy & Andy's auction too! We just know they will find a super groovy SAFE home!
We're purring for everyone that needs it!
Hey, handsome Samson!!!!!!! We were sad to hear about Rusty, and we have been purraying, purraying and purraying for sweet Inigo.
Purrs for mentioning us.....we have found a place and submitted our paperwork.....now we are purraying that we will be accepted and can move this coming weekend.
We love y'all bunches.
You are a fine ManCat indded, to spread the word about our friends an families in need.
We are purring very hard for all of them.
Thank you for your kind words about Lucy - she is slowly improving and we went to the vet today for another stabby and they said we needn't go again unless I was worried.
We were sorry about Rusty too and have been to leave a message.
Samson, you're such a sweet Mancat to send such nice thoughts to your furiends. We were sorry to hear about Rusty too and we've been purring non stop for Inigo to get better. We are purring for Sammy and Andy too.
Such a wonderful and caring post. We are purring and reflecting right along with you.
Hi Samson, we're purring for all our furiends who have left us or aren't feeling very good, too.
Yes Samson, it's been such a sad time lately. It seems so many of our older friends have gone to the Bridge. Rusty was really an icon. He had a wonderful long life and a very short decline. I wish the same for all our beloved kitties.
Yes, Inigo is another problem. He's still relatively young. We purring for him very hard.
It has been sad in the blogasphere again and I so hope it gets better soon. Rusty will be missed. I am purring for Inigo.. Hugs GJ x
We were so sadden by Rusty leaving for the bridge. The prior weekend it was Skeeter and then Rusty. We were worried about Rusty because his Mom had been saying she was noticing such a decline...we do hope that Inigo gets better and we will continue to purr for healing.
Thank you for being such a caring and thoughtful mancat, Samson. We are sad that Rusty had to go to the Bridge, too. And we are purring for Inigo and Sammy and Andy's family, too.
Not only are you a handsome mancat, you are a very nice mancat, too!
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