Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tortie Tuesday

I'm going to use my Tortie Tuesday to ask for some some purrs, prayers and positive thoughts so that Mommy can catch a cat she found outside.

About a week and a half ago, Mommy arrived at work and when she got out of her car, she saw a very thin gray cat looking at her. She went to approach him but he ran away. There was a lot of snow and it was very cold, so she's been trying to look for him every day since then. She had almost given up looking for Louis (his name - assuming he's a boy) but this morning when she arrived at work, there he was again! She was so excited because this time she came prepared (she had put cat food and a carrier in her car). He was a little afraid of her but not overly so, and she managed to put food down for him. Unfortunately she was unable to catch him, but she thinks he's very thin and in need of some medical attention so she is going to keep trying. She also could smell a strong odor of cat spray, so she knows he is in need of a hoo-hooectomy also!

Please send positive purrs for Mommy to capture and bring Louis to our vet for the attention he needs! Mommy is very worried about him and says he looks like he's endured the entire cold winter. We know the power of the CB and since Mommy can be a little scary when she's excited about things, we need all the help we can get so poor little Louis doesn't run away from her.

Now, because it's Tortie Tuesday and you're all expecting some Tortie, here I am!



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We will purr for your Mommy and Louis!

Mr Puddy said...

Your mom has my purrs, Delilah
For Louis own good, I purrs for he will be trapped by your mom : )

Old Kitty said...

Me and Charlie are purring and praying very very very very hard for your mum to catch poor little Louis, sweet Delilah!!!! Awwwww poor Louis!! We are so glad that your mum is there for him (or her!)We truly hope she is successful!

We are also saying a big hello to adorable Samson, bella Bella and Sweet Pea! take care

Marg said...

Oh please tell Mommy we are sending tons of purrs that she can catch that poor skinny kitty.We are cheering you on Mommy.
Delilah you are just so pretty. What a great picture of you.
Sending even more purrs for Louis.

Kea said...

We're sending our purrs and purrayers, too, that your mom can catch "Louis!" Paws crossed for the poor little sweetie.

-Fuzzy Tales

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I have our purrs and prayers going. Come Louis, it's a good thing, really!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are purring and purring for your mom to catch Louis and get him some attention from a vet.
Delilah thank you for sharing your blog with him. We think you have beautiful furs and lots of tortitude with it.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are revving up the PURRS for dear little Louis. it sounds like he desperately needs help. Good luck. Please keep us updated.

Admiral Hestorb said...

It's so heartbreaking when we are left to fend for ourselves., and without the love of mommy's like yours, so many of us would know no hope at all.

Unknown said...

Dear Delila,
You is a beautiful tortie! Me is purraying your Mommy can catch Louis! Kisses

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Your Mom is so good to help Louis! Another reason why you deserve the Stylish Blogger Award! I just awarded it to the whole adorable gang. Drop by and pick it up! :)

And I hope Louis succumbs to your Mom's charms!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we are praying that your Mom will be able to help Louis and how wonderful of her to even try to!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am purring realy hard that your mum can capture Louis and get him the help he needs. I think your mummy will be able to do that and have every faith in her. Hugs GJ xx

BeadedTail said...

We're purring really hard for Louis and hope your mommy is able to catch him! Your mommy is very special and we're glad she's looking out for him!

Deli, you are beautiful!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sending purrs that your mum can catch Louis and get him the help he needs.

KarenMcG said...

It's night-time here so maybe you know by now whether you got little Louie. If not, we're still sending purryers because tomorrow is another day.

And how pretty you are.

Cory said...

Tell your mom to be patient with Louis. We will purr for him to understand that his life will change for the better if he will let himself be caught!

The Island Cats said...

We are purring that your mom can catch Louis soon and get him the help he needs!!

wildcatwoods said...

So nice of your mom to want to help Louis -sending purrs that he is caught.

Cats of Wildcat Woods

Catsparella said...

Hi Delilah! Sending lots of positive purrs for your Mommy to catch Louis so she can help him!! xo

Quill and Greyson said...

Purrrrrrrrr to catching the little fella!

Catherine said...

Hope mom caught the kitty!
xo Catherine

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Hi, gorgeous Deli!!!!!

We will be purraying that your mama can catch Louis......tell her not to give up, cuz our mama went thru that with Shelly for about 3 months before she got her in the house.

We luvy'all so very much.

The Crew said...

We are sending purrs immediately for Louis to be saved!

CCL Wendy said...

We're sending our pawsitive purrs to Louis and to your Mom to help her catch him! Every kitty deserves a good chance in life.
Go Mama!