Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

We had a fabulous Christmas and New Year, and we hope you all did too.  All of the Monkeys were together on Christmas day, so I will pepper this post with some of the photos of Gabriel and I hanging out (the girls were much less social).  We will go over some of the awesome gifts we got in the next little while, but first I wanted to let you all know of a little bit of good news.

As most of our regular readers know, I'm plagued with itchies and Mommy has been trying very hard to figure out what I'm allergic to.  We still don't know what is causing them, but my last dose of medication was 6 weeks ago and I'm still symptom-free.  In the past, my symptoms have returned within a minimum of 2 to 3 weeks after my medication, so something is definitely different this time around. 
Tuxie-tude X 2

Of course we know that the allergies could reoccur at any time and we are all holding our breath and almost afraid to mention it.

Mommy checks me for scabs every day and so far I'm good.  I am not scratching at all either.  We don't know exactly what has changed, but Mommy is going to keep everything (litter, food, detergent, cleaning products, etc.) exactly the same.  She has been desperate to find what my allergy is and has changed almost every product we use!

We are purring like crazy that our dear friend Jasper's health improves and for the wonderful mom of Admiral Hestorb and our sweet friend Marg after their recent losses, and we know you're all busy doing the same, but if you can spare a purr or two that my itchies don't come back, I'd really appreciate it.  Mommy has been SO worried about giving me too many doses of steroids to treat the symptoms of allergies and she will do anything if I never have to have another pill again. 



Angel Prancer Pie said...

We are so happy to hear your itchies are better! We'll definitely send purrs. The itchies are a miserable thing to have. xoxo

BeadedTail said...

We're so glad your itchies are better Samson! We know where they went - my sisfur Angel got them. She's been itching and grooming all the time and has scabs too. Mommy is worried and doesn't know what to do. We'll start eliminating things and see what helps.

We're glad you all good holidays too! Happy New Year!


brokenteepee said...

I am glad you are not itching. Tell Angel not to send them here.

Summer at said...

I always have purrs to spare for you, Samson, especially if they will help keep you itch-free!

Princess Jasmine said...

We are so glad you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. So glad the itchies have gone and we will most definitely purr for them to stay away. Maybe the fairy on the Christmas tree has magic'd them all away for you cause you have been such a good kitty :)xx

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Such good news to start the year. Itchies are no fun. xxxxxxxx

Cat with a Garden said...

These are really good news for sure. We are glad you had a nice Christmas and a good start into the New Year. May it be a very happy one!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

So glad your itchy problem seems to have gone away. Star has seasonal/season changing skin allergies and every fall and spring has itchies, it sure is a pain!

Catherine said...

You had those itchys for far too long. Hopefully mommy has banished them from your kingdom!
xo Catherine

Fuzzy Tales said...

Hi Samson, happy new year to you all!

We're crossing our paws your itchies don't come back, that whatever changes your mom has made have done the trick.

Nice to you see post!

Random Felines said...

we will be purring that you aren't itchy again...that can't be fun at all!!

Old Kitty said...

Beautiful Samson!! Me and Charlie are purring purring that your itches don't return! What a great start to the New Year! Yay!! Awww you and gorgeous Gabriel are both looking ever so adorable!

Hugs too to amazing Delilah, Sweet Pea and bella Bella! Take care

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Maybe you just got lucky and OUTGREW your allergy!! I hope so!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are delighted to hear your itches aren't itching Samson. We hope they never come back.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat said...

Hi Samson, its lovely to see you! We are purring hard here that your itches are gone forever!!!

Marg said...

Oh goodness, that is such good news. Yeah, the itchies are gone for now. Maybe they are gone for good. We sure are sending tons of purrs that they won't come back. Samson it is so good to see you Monkeys again. We have missed you a lot.Take care.

meowmeowmans said...

We sure are happy that your itchies are staying away, handsome Samson! We are so glad you all had a nice Christmas and New Year together, too.

Big, big purrs and prayers coming your way ... itchies, be gone forever!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Of course we can spare some purrs that you stay itch free. Allergies are so hard to figure out. Glad all the Monkeys were together for Christmas!

Whisppy said...

Itchies are yucky and we're glad you aren't itchy anymore and hopefully never again. Allergies are really tough to figure out.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Darling sweet one...thank you SOOOO much for purring for me after my baby flew way. I a very lonely without her but I know she wished for me to find another furbaby to love. I can't wait to see who chooses me and then introduce them to you.


The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad those nasty itchies are better. We hope they stay away for good now!!

The Florida Furkids


Samson we are so glad to see you and to hear you are doing so well. WE will keep you in our purrs that your itchies are over!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Samson you know that I experience the same thing as you and i am also treated with steroids sometimes too. I haven't had a flare-up either in a few weeks (knock on wood) Aren't those scabs that bleed just awful?

I wish your Mommy would tell my Mom what she thinks it is...maybe we can help each other?

Love, Cody

The Island Cats said...

Hi Samson! It's so great to see you. We're glad to hear you all had a great holiday! Happy New Year to all of you!!

And we're glad your allergies aren't bothering you right now. We hope this continues and your itchies don't come back!!

Quill and Greyson said...

Purrs that all the itches are gone!!

Oui Oui said...

Samson, we are so glad you aren't an itchy kitty now. We will purr for you that it stays that way. Both you and your mom must be frantic about those itches! Happy New Year to you all!

CCL Wendy said...

First of all, Happy New Year to you and your entire furmily, Samson!

What a wonderful way to start off 2012 -- without the itchies! We're purring for you that they stay away for good.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy New Year to all of you. We are glad your itchies have gone and are purring they don't come back. I had to have a shot 6 weeks ago for my itchies and they haven't come back yet.

Clooney said...

Glad you all had a wonderful Christmas together. We will be purring for you for sure sweet Samson.