Here is what is written on her blog:
Urgent Request!
If your cat has been blood typed, and is Type B (Rare but prevalent in Asian breeds,) we need your help. Squashies is in desperate need of a transfusion. We can't find a Type B donor.
We will pay all expenses to bring the cat and you here to Baltimore. With a very generous bonus for your time and discomfort. Call Dee @ 443-527-9226.
Our little girl is running out of options.
Thank you!
If anyone you know can help, please visit her blog HERE. Squashies had a rough start to life and we purr that she will be able to continue to be happy in her forever home!
UPDATE: Donor found! Please visit her website for a more detailed update
Poor Squashies. We hope someone can help her.
We're purring that somecat can help.
The Florida Furkids
Many purrs for Squashies
Paws crossed for luck
Oh my goodness, I sure hope someone can help! There are a few bloggers in baltimore.. Hubble space cats come to mind, and isn't that where the Giggleman gang just moved? I don't know that any of them have Asian breeds off the top of my head though..
We are purring and praying for Squashies, and for a donor to be found soon.
I hope they find a donor - I know lots of us are sharing!
We are purring and purring that a donor is found ASAP.
I live in Europe, none of my kitties has the requested blood type, but if one had, would it have been sent by TNT, DHL, Federal Express or UPS?
Can't vets help by contacting owners of B type cats and ask them if a transfusion is possible?
I am so sad when I read such things and would like to help.
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