Our Mommy recently traveled to Kingston, Ontario for her father's birthday party and on the way back, she stopped in at the local PetSmart to pick up some supplies for us. True to form, Mommy went to look at the adoptable kitties. As soon as she saw Hugo, she knew where he was supposed to go.
Where are you strange people taking me? |
Mommy's mommy (Grandma) had recently suffered the loss of one of her beautiful kitties (Auntie Sally) to cancer, and her remaining kitty,
Auntie Mattie, was lonely (I posted about her awhile ago
HERE). Mommy knew that Hugo would be the guy to fill that void. Hugo had suffered the loss of his owner and was very traumatized and needed a calm human in his life. Mommy knew that Grandma was the one for him, as she had great success in the past with traumatized kitties.
Auntie Mattie and Hugo did the 'who the heck are you?' dance for a couple of weeks, but they are coming around and getting to know each other.
Unfortunately, Auntie Mattie started to feel unwell and Grandma took her to the vet. She has CRF and they also found a mass on her upper belly. Grandma is awaiting the results, but as you can well imagine, she is very worried about her.
Mattie is a beautiful tortie and my Auntie and mentor, so I know she is strong, but she could REALLY use some purrs right now. We love her very much and we so hope she can have the chance to get to know and love Uncle Hugo.
Please send purrs and good thoughts to Mattie, Hugo and our Grandma.
Thank you!
Hugo is handsome! We'll say purrayers and rev up our motors for beautiful Mattie. Sending ((hugs)) for the Grandma from all of us at Prancer Pie.
Sending our POTP fur Mattie.. and WELCOME to Hugo.
Sending purrrrrrrss for Auntie Mattie. Hang in there, kittie.
Welcome to handsome Hugo. It's nice to see an adult being adopted from there. Our human avoids looking at the cats when she's in PetSmart, sometimes it makes her cry. So we're thrilled Hugo has his new forever home.
Purrs and paws crossed for Mattie, though.
Oh that is too bad about Mattie. She can live a long life with renal failure. So we sure hope the lump is nothing. We sure send lots of purrs. Love Hugo. He looks like such a nice guy. We just hope that Mattie is all right. Take care.
welcome to Hugo and purrs to Mattie....
Thank you to all the SweetMonkeys and their wonderful Mommy who brought Hugo in our life here..He is being extra sweet right now to Mattie..I(Grandma to the Monkeys) told him he had to make Karen proud..he is..I am absorbing all the wishes and hugs `cuz it`s hard to take bad news about your little kitty(I am sure you all know)..Mattie is a strong tortie so maybe she will be fine
I am sending LOTS of purrs to Mattie!
That's a pair of very sweet kitties! We're purring for them!
How nice that Hugo found such a great home...but we are sorry that Mattie is now not feeling well. We're purring real hard for her.
I promise with all my heart I will. I promise.
We think Hugo is a handsome kitty! We are purring and praying for sweet Mattie. And for Hugo and your Grandma, too.
Hugs to you all!
We are sending big warm purrs to Mattie, Hugo and our Grandma. Hugo is a handsome fellow!
A big hello to handsome Hugo. Sending lots and lots of purrs to all of you especially Mattie and grandma.
Awwww we are sending many purrs and hugs to sweet Auntie Mattie and Grandma and lots of hellos to gorgeous Hugo!! Take care
Oh Hugo you are handsome and just the fella to help Mattie and her Mom whilst Mattie is unwell. We hope that Mattie responds to treatment and you both have a long life together.
Sending love & rumbly purrs
Gerry, Mungo & The Ape xx
You have my loudest rumbly purrs coming your way. I so hope they can treat and help Mattie get better so she can have a much longer time to get to know that cutie pie. Hugs GJ xx
What a handsome mancat - Hugo we are sure there will be lots of lady cats hoping to catch your eye. We are sending lots of purrs and whiskery kisses for Mattie and her Mum.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hope we're not late to purr!!
What a handsome mancat Hugo is. We send lots of purrs for Mattie.
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