Friday, February 26, 2010

Flashback Friday

We have our computer back, but we lost a lot of pictures and Mommy has been pretty down about it. We still have a lot backed up, but she just hasn't gotten around to digging into them and making some available in our 'blog' folder. We are going to tolerate only ONE more Flashback Friday. Here is a post from way back in April of last year when Mommy was off work after surgery:

Mommy is still off work which means she's home for snuggles, but it also means that she is ALWAYS on the computer! She doesn't let me sit on her tummy or lap anymore because she says it hurts too much so I've lost one of my favorite sleeping places - the computer chair!

I've employed a few methods to get it back:

1.) I strategically place myself incognito behind something on the desk so as soon as she gets up for something, I pounce on my chair! Here I am hiding behind a Perrier bottle:

2.) The next method is a little more aggressive - I sit right in front of her so she can't see the computer:

3.) If all else fails, I take the only route left - I sleep on the part of the chair she's NOT on. Sure it looks a little uncomfortable but at least I've got my chair back :)

Have a great weekend!



The Kitty Krew said...

Awwww, poor Samson. Such lengths you have to go to, to get your chair! (Funny, we have a similar theme in our post today... MOL) We could barely see you hiding beind that bottle!

We're glad your computer is back but sad you lost so many photos. :(

Purrs and hugs and happy weekend!
The Kitty Krew

Kea said...

Samson, on the back of that chair? MOL! That would have won for the competitive napping in the Cat-O-Lympics, I think. :-)

And were you hiding behind a bottle of Perrier? My goodness, we couldn't even see you. Heh.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Isn't it awful the lengths we need to go to after our moms have surgery????? Sammy is still in a snit cuz even 5 years later, mamabug has a sore tummy, and we still can't lay on it......I accept it and snuggle up beside her, but he can be sooooooo stubborn!!!!!! .....Andy.

Mama here.....I'm wondering how the nonsmoking is going?????

xxxxxxx from all of us to all of you, including the Ball Guy and Sweet Pea.

One Cats Nip said...

Aww tell your mom not to be down about losing the pictures. All that did was create more space for new pictures! Gotta look on the bright side the cup is always half full!

loki said...

Samson, you're the coolest Mancat and you're so funny too! We're so sorry that your Mommy's computer has crashed and the lost of all your precious photos. Nanny is thinking about backing up all my photos. I wish you all a great weekend!


Do you use Picasa or any other online photo storage? I finally got a external hard drive, but before that I was making CD's of all my photos, except now I have upteen million of those. But the online storage is great. Almost better than an external back up!
We feel for your Mom!
purry purrs

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We hope yoor mommy finds the photos. Have a lovely weekend.

CCL Wendy said...

That's terrible about your mom losing those photos. I know it would really upset me.

I'm also so sorry that she's so busy and you have to resort to every trick possible to get her attention. That's some good balancing act you do on the top of her chair!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We can sympathize about loosing photos - we lost a bunch when my hard drive went out and they were mostly Virgils baby pictures (all that are left are the ones in the blog). We started using lots of extra back up after that (I lost everything in the process of organizing - I was going to back up when I discoverd the drive had stopped working).

That is a great flashback though - very cute!

The Florida Furkids said...

It's sad to loose photos. We need to remind Mom (again) to back ours up.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so glad you have your computer back! The loss of pictures is always sad.

The Island Cats said...

You can't possibly be comfortable there, Samson!!

We hope your mom can find most of your pictures. Losing them is no fun!

Have a great weekend!

CCL Wendy said...

Samson's on the LOLspot (twice)!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We laffed and laffed at you sleeping on the back of the chair. I will have to try hiding behind a perrier bottle next time I don't want to be found.

Cats in Trees said...

Samson, we don't like it when you hide. We just can't see enough of you.

Hansel said...

we LOVE the shot of you hanging over the chair!!!! how hilarious is that!!!

Misha said...

I bet your Mummy is glad she's got your blog, though, as that means she hasn't lost all of your photos.

BeadedTail said...

We're sorry to hear that your mommy lost some of her pictures. We remember that post too and enjoyed it just as much this time! My little sisfur Angel makes Mommy scoot to the edge of the chair so she can sit behind her. Angel is comfy but Mommy gets a numb butt. At least she knows cats rule the chair!


meowmeowmans said...

MOL. Samson, you are too funny!

Sorry to hear about the photos you lost...

Lisa + current cat said...

That looks terribly uncomfortable, but I guess a cat has to do what a cat has to do.

Anonymous said...

Great balance and style, Samson! Sorry about losing your photos. That truly stinks. Mom would be very crabillated about that.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, we enjoy Flashback Fridays! Don't take them away for good:)

Catherine said...

So glad the computer is back ~ too bad about your photos.

It's so very frustrating losing pictures. :(

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorry to hear about losing pictures!

Good job at your methods at getting back your sleeping places! Jazzie Jessie is good at sitting on the keyboard of my mom's laptop!

Anonymous said...

Hi, as you may already noted I am newbie here.
I will be happy to receive any assistance at the beginning.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)