Because of the lack of recent pictures, we are going to dig back into the past and pull out one of Mommy's favorite 'Finally Friday' posts. If you've seen it already, we apologize, if not, we hope you enjoy it!
Friday means that Mommy comes home in an even better mood than usual and she pours herself a drink in this funny-shaped blue glass.
And sometimes she has more than one and starts laughing at things that aren't even funny!
When she has three glasses, it gets a little difficult to watch.
She gets even more snuggly than usual with us so, despite her silly behavior, we really love Fridays!
Ummm don't you think you've had enough, Mommy?
Heh heh heh, we love your expression Sampson!!
Our mummy has learned, it's a good idea to have an online photo album for all photos...
We are sorry Mom lost so many pictures. That hurts.
I guess this means more of the flashy box doing its thing is in order! Fridays are for special glasses of special things ;)
Sorry about the pics ~ that's sad. our mom has a LaCie 80GB mobile disc that she plugs into a USB port on the computer and stores stuff on, then unplugs. She said it's the safest way to store photos ~ 'cos one of her friends had their entire photo collection on a photo site and the photo site deleted his account and he lost them all.
Our "Fetching" videos for the Cat-O-Lympics are posted today.
ROTLF! We just found your blog...Our human likes your mom already! ;-)
P.S. We're in Kingston, ON! Pretty close to you guys. That's cool!
That's so sad about your pictures!! But we're glad the computer is getting fixed.
Haha! We remember this one, Samson!! We think an intervention is in your mom's future.... ;-)
My Mummy does this too on a Friday - she sometimes lets me have afinger lick of that funny tasting drink too....then she uses me as a cup holder....
We remember this one 'cause our Mommy liked the blue glass! Nothing wrong with having a few on a Friday, and at least she's safe at home and not out driving. :)
We're sorry to hear about the hard drive and the photos. :( Like Mile and Alfie, we back up all our photos (and other important files) to an external hard drive - every day - with an automatic back-up program and then that hard drive gets backed up yet again to another external hard drive every few months. She's maybe a little paranoid, but you can't be too safe with important stuff!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I love THESE photos! too handsome of you and your Mommy, Samson. :)
Hope the PC gets well soon!!
I understand...if mom lost my kitten pictures she'd be devastated too.
Um...and Samson...did you know that when Ginger saw your comment she was speechless!? She swooned at the thought of sharing some Canadian beer and popcorn with you.
Oh no, we're very sorry to hear your mom lost all those pictures. But we are glad the computer's getting fixed.
We enjoyed this Flashback Friday very much, Samson. You are adorable!
Sorry about your computer problems. Hope your Mom can copy and save some of those Sweet Pea photos from your blog.
I bet her funny looking glass will be making an appearance this evening! Have a good weekend friends!
hehehe the drink in the blue glass
It is sad that your mum has lost some of her photos.
Our dad plays poker with some of his friends on Friday nights, so our mum has a glass, a bottle and a box of chocolates to keep her company.
We remember this post....we loved it then and we love it now. :)
Over the years, mamabug has lost a lot of pictures because they weren't backed up. Here's her solution and something your mom might want to consider.....mamabug has a flash drive and saves pictures directly to it, so she should never lose them. We hope the 'puter problems will soon be fixed.
Its not nice that you are missing photo's :(
Have a wonderful weekend
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
We're so sorry about the lost pictures:( No wonder your Mom has to drink that "happy juice."
We remember this post and it's as funny this time around too!
We're so sorry about the pictures being gone, especially those of baby Sweet Pea. Our mommy hasn't backed up the pictures of us either but now we think she should.
Be careful, don't let mama drink too much! She might fall asleep and forget about you.
Luckily there were some great pictures of Sweet Pea on your blog.
Still your old Finally Friday looks almost perfect. The only thing that is missing is something to nibble with wine. Treats or cheese or ham. Wouldn't that be great?
Oh, and before we forget. Dushi wanted to be in the fetching competition, but the training didn't go so well.
Thanks for the reminder to back up our pictures! We're sorry you lost some of yours. At least the blog pictures are safe!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
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