It may surprise some of you to learn that I've actually started getting along with my tiny Tortie nemesis, Sweet Pea. On one of her recent visits, the humans noticed that I wasn't hissing at all. Samson has liked her from the beginning but now Sweet Pea is the one hissing at both of us! It isn't very hospitable of her, but she is young and manners obviously escape her.
I am much more mature than her, but I'm still a Tortie, and Torties are competitors so I can't help but compete. That being said, here is my 'Why I'm Better than Sweet Pea' submission for the week:

I'm much better than Sweet Pea at filling a sink!
MOL! Sweet Pea is showing her little hissy side! Cute! Cute!
If only you guys got along, you'd both fit (and it'd be a boy-cat dream come true! *sigh*)
I find it amusing that just as you have stopped hissing at Sweet Pea, she has started hissing at you. You are much better at filling a sink, Delilah.
Cats and sinks ~ I wonder what the attraction is ~ just the right fit? :) Hope you have a good day!
After all Sweet Pea has done for acceptance, you'd think she wouldn't be hissy. Silly kitteh. You fit that sink just right, Deli, while Miss Thang obviously has some growing to do to fill your paws.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
You are so silly! And beautiful.
You've certainly got that one right, Deli! No one can fill a sink quite like you.
I must say, though, that I think Sweet Pea is going to look almost like your twin once she is fully grown.
You are certainly setting a good example for her.
That is a good competition!
Delilah, you definitely fill the sink better than hissy Sweet Pea. Maybe she will chill out soon and stop hissy at you.
LOL and MOL........she's turned the tables on y'all, huh????? Sammy says he knows Deli is better.......much better at everything....and he'd love if she came and laid in one of our sinks. He tried to send Deli something on Catster, but not sure if our blond mamabug actually got it sent for him......:) xxxxxxxxx
Ahh, Sweat Pea has the 'tortitude' look in her eyes--she's trying. However, YOU, Ms. Deli--your eyes say it all, and the sink never looked more stunning!
Oh she is sooooo cute!!!! Adorable lil' puffball!!! Look at those baby eyes (=^Y^=)
Deli, you certainly fill out that sink way better than Sweet Pea does! Hopefully she learns to not be so hissy soon!
We can see how the big sink cat could scare the small sink cat...she probably doesn't know who to hiss at and just does it cuz she has to let off steam...
that's funny. Is there an award for filling the sink?
Delilah, we bet your tortitude is much bigger than hers!
Oh Deli your both soo gorgeous! Just think of all the tortie things you could teach sweet pea though! If only she would stop hissing....I guess now she has to show you her torti-tude
MOL and LMAO! That's showing her!
Dalilah, I know that little tortie is annoying but you can teach her so much! Who knows you might become best friends someday!
Delilah, we totally agree that you are much better at filling a sink then Sweet Pea! And we are sure at some point there will be a visit where there is no hissing at all!
We agree, you fill that sink beautifully.
Yep, you do fill that sink well! Glad you're getting along with Sweet Pea better too!
Ahh. That is so cute, little bitty Sweet Pea trying to be big and hissy.
You definitely fill that sink well.
Poor SweetPea - she knows she is the new one at the house and is just showing you she can take care of herself! You both look lovely in the sink!
It's me again! Deli and Sweet Pea are on the LOLSpot together. I'm quite proud of these particular ones.
Thanks for stopping by, and for your nice comments about our 100th post!
We're so glad you and Sweet Pea are making progress on getting along, Delilah. :)
You are right ... you're WAY better than Sweet Pea at filling the sink.
My Cod, Mom wants to get in the sink with Sweet Pea... like she'd fit. sigh
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