Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Is that your Easter bucket, Sweet Pea?

Mr Puddy said...

I don't think Samson , Bella and Delilah can find you, Sweet Pea !..Pretty Good Spot MOL

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

A tortie in the trash? You don't belong there, Sweet Pea!

Summer at said...

Sweat Pea, you look like you want to be left ALONE in your bucket. Shall I send the annoying photographer away?

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Room for me in there?

The Island Cats said...

They should change your name to Silly Pea!!

Kea said...

Sweet Pea, you are so adorable in there. Maybe it's your "beach" bucket! :-)

-Fuzzy Tales

Marg said...

Sweet Pea, that is so cute. That is such a good place to hide.We love your wastebasket but you certainly are not wastebasket material. You are so cute. We have thought you were cute forever. Hugs to your Mom. She is a very special lady.

Old Kitty said...

Awww gorgeous Sweet Pea!!! You look so cute in your bucket!! Awww!! Lovely!!

Me and Charlie are also waving to adorable Samson, Delilah and bella Bella! Take care

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a whole bucket full of cute!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

hehehe Bucket O' Sweet Pea

Hannah and Lucy said...

Sweet Pea - you look so cute peeking over the top of your bucket
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

BeadedTail said...

Sweet Pea, you are so silly! No one will ever think to look for you in that bucket!

Julia Williams said...

MOL, that is so cute. I marvel at a feline's ability to find the oddest place to choose for relaxicatting.

meowmeowmans said...

That's a great hidey spot, Sweet Pea! And may we just say, you look cute as always today? :)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh look so adorable!!!

Unknown said...

Truly a bucket of joy!

Catsparella said...

AWW, Sweet Pea! It's ok to come out! You are just darling!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Awww, how cute!

Daniela said...

Sweet Pea, your mommy better hide you, cuz I think my mommy is starting the car to come and get you. I think she lovessss you so much. I know i do.



Oh Sweet Pea
YOU are so adorable.

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^ >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I hope you didn't use that as a litter box the way you crouched down like that lol

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Sweet Pea: How did you fit yourself into that pail? :)

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

My cat Avalon does exactly the same thing - always looking for the smallest box in the house, preferably a box or bucket that is way smaller than he is :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey that looks verry comfortable!
Oliver and Ruby

Catsparella said...

Priscilla just wanted me to stop by to say she most *definitely* does not have a crush on Charlie..MOL. Thanks for stopping by to wish him a happy birthday! :)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope there is room enough for you tail!!