As much as I love the ladies, three Torties can be too much for any one Mancat!
It's pretty difficult going back and forth from Delilah to Bella, but when Sweet Pea visits, it's too much for even me. She wants a piece of me too, but she is such a teenager! I really think the humans should get her her own Mancat.
Look at that pose - she's shameless!
I do understand that Sweet Pea spends all her time alone with The Ball Guy and she must be lonely for a play-partner, but I can't be the guy for her.
She is a very sweet girl and I know she'll make a perfect girlfriend to a much younger and more energetic Mancat.
I'm going to put my paw down and insist that the humans find a boyfriend for Sweet Pea! Since she's obviously attracted to a Mancat in a tuxedo, my suggestion would be that they get her a little tuxie boycat with lots of energy.
I think I need a nap away from the over-amorous Sweet Pea.
Now that I can speak without pesky little Sweet Pea vying for my attention, I want to tell you about our friend Bijou and her Mommy who just started their own blog. They live just off the island of Montreal and Mommy works with Bijou's Mom's sister. You can visit their blog HERE.
We hope Sweet Pea gets a boyfriend soon so you can get some reat!
Wow, Samson, I cannot imagine living with THREE torties! One here is bad enough. Maybe SHE needs a mancat, as all of us here are girls.
On second thought, I would not wish her on any mancat. She is way too bossy!
Awwww adorable Samson!! Me and Charlie think Sweet Pea likes the more mature and wise tuxie kitty!!
Hugs too to adorable Bella bella and lovely Delilah! take care
All of your explanation " she's obviously attracted to a Mancat in a tuxedo, my suggestion would be that they get her a little tuxie boycat with lots of energy."
Is that me ? ( My eyes size extend to max. )
Oh we vote for Mr Puddy! He would make an excellent suitor! He's got a winning tummy too.
I think that getting one more kitty wouldn't hurt! :)
I will check out your new friend's blog!
xo Catherine
Oh Mr. Puddy would be purrfect for Sweet Pea. But he isn't as handsome as Samson but pretty close. We can't blame you Sweet Pea, we think that Samson is most handsome. Hope all of you have a really fun week.
Mr. Puddy, yes, I agree! Hey, I now have a tortie sis, but I haven't actually met yer yet!
Mr Puddy would be a great cyber boyfriend, we think, but having a "real" playmate for Sweet Pea sounds good to us!
We'll check out the new blog too!
Is there a way to leave comments on Bijou's blog? Is the mom just not seeing it? (Always possible!)
I am sure Sweet Pea would make a wonderful companion for a male cat. She is so lovely.
Samson aren't you flattered being the kitty who Sweet Pea would like to get to know better !!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Hi Fuzzy Tales. To post a comment on Bijou's blog, you click on the number that is near the top left hand side of the page. It is not very intuitive, but that is the way the template is set up. I will try to make it clearer. Meow.
You would be some hoooooge paw prints to fill. I hope you find the purrrrrfect guy fur her.
We definitely agree Samson, Sweet Pea needs a companion of her own!!!
Yeah, Sweet Pea needs her own mancat!! Samson, anytime you need some male bonding, come on over!!
Wally & Ernie
Sweet Pea is cute, But me agrees, yous has enough women in your life!
Yup, we think Sweepy needs a companion, too....and a fluffy tuxedo would be purrfect!!!!!!!!
We are on our way to visit Bijou and her mommy.
We are sooooooooooooo looking forward to tomorrw. We love y'all so very much.
Samson, we'll go visit! You should start a campaign for MORE tuxies!
I think you are right and that you need some help there with three ladies. I hope they take the hint. I will go and visit your friends now.. Hugs GJ xx
Samson, we think that even if Sweet Pea had another Mancat in her life, you'd still be her favorite! You are just so sweet and handsome she just couldn't resist!
Poor Samson! I guess now you know how all the male movie stars feel when they're being inundated by young ladies!
You're just too handsome to resist -- and that's not your fault.
I think you did well in finding a good place to get away from things, without insulting little Sweet Pea. Well done!
Tamir says it's so hard when you are an irresistible ManCat in a world of females.
We visited Bijou. What a sweetie!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Sweet Pea
You're going to have the mancats all lined up!
>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie
Well, I would have suggested the gorgeous tummy winning handsome mancat Mr Puddy but he is, I believe a confirmed bachelor.
pee ess the girls are gorgeous though. WOW!
I do think Sweet Pea has good taste, those tuxedo boy cats are sooooo handsome! We will check your friend out now!
Ummm...hey, I had a thought.
Maybe I could box up Figaro and mail him to Sweet Pea. He's a floofy tuxedo teenage mancat...and Sweet Pea would be doing me a favor getting him out of our fur for awhile.
Do you think she'd go for it?
pee ess...don't tell my mom I said this
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