Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! Sweet Pea! You haves such beautiful eyes! I am mesmerized!

Mr Puddy said...

MOL... Sweet pea, You look shy ! Someone must wanna kiss you, I guess ! Well, You look so cute. It can happened : )

BeadedTail said...

Whoa Sweet Pea! That's some major Tortitude you've got there!

Summer at said...

Sweet Pea, if I looked like that at my human, she would put the camera down pronto! Or maybe not...

Julia Williams said...

WOW, that is one major intense stare!! If I was in the room with you, I might be very afraid! LOL.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Sweet Pea, we love your expressive eyes and tempting floofs.

The Island Cats said...

Sweet Pea, you look like we interrupted something!!

Old Kitty said...

Awww wonderful Sweet Pea!! Look at all your terrific tortie floof!!! Yay!!

Hugs too to amazing Samson, Delilah and bella Bella! Take care

Marg said...

Oh Sweet Pea, you are even cute with the tortitude. That is some look you are giving someone. You also have pretty furs. Hope all of you have a fun day.

Catherine said...

Haha ~ those eyes seem to be saying 'again with the flashy thing'? Too cute!
xo Catherine

Hannah and Lucy said...

Sweet Pea you certainly are looking pretty today - we love your beautiful furs.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cat said...

I love black noses!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a cutie!!!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Hi, gorgeous Sweepy.......we all love you bunches!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your eyes are just beautiful. You really have a serious look on your face. My Babybella always looks serious. You and your sisters and brother are just beautiful.
Have a great day.

Unknown said...

Is that a "rub my tummy" or a "Go away, can't you see I'm busy"

Anonymous said...

Oh la la, you sexy thing.... Oh my, Sweet Pea, you're...Wow!

Thanks for your visit, I have missed you guys so much!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh SWEETPEA! YOu are so luxurious and beautiful. Oh I would love to have a snuggle with you.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my goodness that is just so adorably beautiful.. Hugs GJ xx

CCL Wendy said...

Oh my! Her pupils are fully dilated and the look is something fierce all right!

What did you do to disturb her highness? Is it the flash box that's the problem?


Amazing Sweet Pea!

>^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

meowmeowmans said...

Hi, beautiful Sweet Pea! Such wonderful pictures of you . . . They show off your loveliness AND your tortitude! :)

Hugs to you and ALL the Monkeys!

Catsparella said...

That is some serious Tortitude, Sweet Pea!! Even when you're sleepy you've still got it! :)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are stunning, Sweet Pea!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Sweet Pea - you look like you just heard something shocking!!

Clooney said...

Oh Sweet Pea you have tortitude down pat! Good on ya! (Cute pics!)

Vicki said...

Sweet Pea - that is a gorgeous closeup of you.....

Anonymous said...

Yoor eyes are gorjuss!

Cory said...

We wouldn't mess with you! Cute Tortitude!

meowmeowmans said...

You are SO beautiful, Sweet Pea! :) Nice Tortitude!