Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Summer at said...

Sweet Pea, I get the impression that you did NOT appreciate having the paparazzi sneaking up on you!

Mr Puddy said...

Sweet Pea, You looks so gorgeous !!!
And you know what ? Now I got the problem.....I can't blink !!!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

A majestic view of my tortie dream girl!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwwwww gorgeous Sweet Pea!! Awww you are looking so floofy and fantastic!! Yay!!

Hugs too to adorable Samson, Delilah and bella Bella! Take care

The Island Cats said...

Heehee! You do not look amused, Sweet Pea!!

Marg said...

Sweet Pea, you sure look comfy. You sure have pretty furs. Great picture. Take care.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Did that flashy box wake you up Sweet Pea?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are stunning pictures Sweet Pea!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Sweepy, only one word comes to our minds.....GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sweet Pea... don't cha just hate it when... THEY... wake us fur a Flashy thingy???

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh you are just momma's love here. She loves us Tortie girls but too, she loves all of you. ♥♥♥♥♥

Cat said...

You are a beauty Sweet Pea !!!

Bijou said...

Why do these humans constantly take photos of us? I guess it is cause we are gorgeous!

meowmeowmans said...

Simply beautiful, dear Sweet Pea! Have a great day. :)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Such tortitude!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Sweet Pea, we agree with Rumbles. You are dreamy in your tortieliciousness.

BeadedTail said...

Sweet Pea, you are beautiful! We love the Tortitude in the bottom photo too. It looks like you took notes how to do that from Deli!

Whisppy said...

You don't look very pleased with the flashy box in your face in your second photo. :)

CCL Wendy said...

Is this look of distain common to torties, or is it just Sweet Pea and Bella that have PURRfected it?

I must say, though that Bella still reigns as Queen of Distain, though Sweet Pea's learning fast.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea, all you need is a remote control and a beer....

Love the photos!


Sweet Pea
That is the most amazingly beautiful picture I have seen of you.


Keiko said...

Love your pictures Sweet Pea!
We never realised you have beautiful eyebrows too!!!

We just love torties!!!

Purrrrrrrs, KQ

wildcatwoods said...

We are in glorious tortie heaven!!!

Cats of wildcat woods

Catherine said...

No words needed here today ~ that looks says it all!!!

xo Catherine

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...


Sorry we haven't visited for a while, we had grandbeans staying for a vacation. It's been happy chaos!

Vicki said...

What beautiful photos of you Sweet Pea!

Clooney said...

What cute pictures of Sweet Pea! Love them.

Anonymous said...

Such a proud pose!

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Sweet Pea: What a looker you are!