Friday, March 6, 2009

Fun Friday...on a box...with a mousie

Yay! It's the weekend!

Delilah and I are very excited at this time of the week because our Mommy doesn't go to work for two whole days!

This video of me highlights some of the things I like to do on the weekend. We still have the awesome box (apartment) from the new computer chair and it makes a great playing ground.

I get a little tired at the end but we've been playing on/in/around this box non-stop since we got it!

Have a great weekend everyone!



The Meezers or Billy said...


The Creek Cats said...

Now that's a great box! We need to get us one of those!

Have a great weekend!

Cat with a Garden said...

When we saw the words Friday, box and mousie all together we knew we were going to see something purrfect. YAY to all three things!
Siena & Chilli

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is an apartment sized box! It looks like lots of fun. I can see you were having lots of fun with that mousie!

Mishkat said...

We're happy it's the weekend too - and that looks like such a great box! You can send it over here when you're done and Tasha will rip it apart - she likes to show off her tortitude by biting cardboard boxes.

Misha said...

It's a trampoline, it's a bed, it's a fort - it's like the car equivalent of a bouncy castle!

Daisy said...

You sure are lucky to have such a fabulous box! And I see you got some trampoline action going there, too.

Anonymous said...

Boxes are like the greatest toy ever! Sprinkle sum nip on em and we is there!!

BeadedTail said...

It's fun watching you in action! That's pretty cool how your mousie comes flying back whenever you bat it off!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

This is my first visit to your blog. It is fun seeing you in action on the box. Magical mouse!

Cat with a Garden said...

Hey, we have given you an award today. Purrs!