Mommy is a little bit strange and likes some really bizarre things. For example, one of her favorite things about Torties are their tummies. She says the random mashing together of the colors are harmonious to her (?!). First of all, that sentence doesn't even make sense and secondly, I AM a Tortie and I don't know what the big fuss is. Anyway, she brings home the bacon (sometimes literally!) so I have to make her happy. I've put together a few of her favorite pictures of my tummy. I'll walk you through them so you're not confused. With all those colors, it's hard to know what you're looking at!
Here I am, relaxing:
Here I am again, relaxing:
And finally, here I am, relaxing:
Happy Tortie Tuesday!
I'm not sure if it's the mesmerizing patterns on your belleh or all the shots of you relaxing, but I'm suddenly feeling very tie-tie...
Pretty pictures of kitties tummy. Our mom loves to take pictures of tummy.
Also, we want to tell you, we have given you an award. If you have time you can come and collect it from our blog.
Thank you so much for the purrs!! We will hopefully have a good update soon!
~Maggie May~
Sweet Tummy. We don't do tummy shots so mym enjoyes every other cate!
You have a beautiful tummy, Delilah! And of course, ALL torties know that their colors are harmonious. Big purrs!
Ohh Delilah yer belleh is so furry floofy! The mom wants to snorgle it becareful she wont stop either.
We gots sumfin fer yoo guys come see!!
Tortie tummies are full of swirly colors, we can see that. Maybe Kiki will show off her tortie tummy on Tuesday, if we ask her nicely and have a camera handy!
Don't work so hard!
Delilah, you have a beautiful, floofy tortie tummy! It's a good thing you relax so much so you can show it off!
Ha ha ha! You made my momma bwahaha out loud with that last picture! She says you're a champion at relaxing and your tummy is SO super fluff.
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