Delilah did a 'When I was small...' post and Mommy said that she thinks I should do one too. She was also busy looking for cute kitten posts for Misha's Kitty Fight Club so she found all sorts of them
I was born under a kind woman's porch with a little sister and two brothers. Somehow my cat mom never came back after she gave birth to us. I think something must have happened to her because we were a great looking bunch of kittens! (Even though I'm the only one of us that had a normal amount of toes!)
Thankfully my first human Mommy took us to the vet and started feeding us very quickly. Despite her allergies to cats, she loved us, fed us, and took care of us so well! She took time off work to feed us at regular intervals and made sure we had the best vet care, toys and food. She called me Cooper, which is a cool name! Basically, we had everything we needed except our forever homes.
Here's a picture of me and one of my brothers playing:

Here's me and my lil' sissy:

My current Mommy had recently been found by Delilah and realized that Deli needed a friend to play with. Apparently Deli thought Mommy was a toy and would sneak attack her all the time; even in the shower! Now she does that to me exclusively. Gee, thanks Mom.
Mommy found out about me through a friend of hers and came over right away to visit me! I don't really remember how it happened but Mommy says that when she walked into the room I was in, I had been busy playing with my brother but immediately turned and ran right to her. She said it melted her heart and she loved me right away! I didn't know it yet but even though I was sad to be taken away from my brothers and sister, I was gonna love her too! She changed my name to Samson which is not nearly as cool as Cooper but I suppose it was to complement Delilah.
That day Mommy and her friend took me and one of my brothers each to their respective homes. I know my brother Mesty is doing okay because Mommy gets updates sometimes but I sometimes wonder about Baby and Whitie who were not yet adopted when I left. Mommy says I shouldn't worry because the nice woman who saved us would make sure that we ALL had good homes.
This is Baby and Whitie; the two that were not adopted that day.
Mommy sent off an email to the nice woman to see if we can get an update about my other two siblings.
I hope you all enjoyed meeting my sister and brothers!
Samson (formerly known as Cooper)
That was a great story Samson,we're glad you were born where someone sweet lived. It sounds like a rough beginning with a happy ending.
Ohmygoodness, you were such a little cutie, Samson! We are so glad you chose your mommy when she came by to see you and your brothers and sisters! Hopefully your mommy will get an email reply so you can find out where Baby and Whitie are!
Your sister and brothers are almost as cute as you are, Samson :)! And it was so nice of your first human to take care of you so well - big purrs to her.
Hi Samson, it's Scooter!! You left me an awesome birfday message on my blog--thanks! Mom put up a new blog all about my big day, so I hope you'll check it out!!
Oh...by the way...Mom was makin' cute noises at your baby pictures. I know...TOTALLY embarassing. But that's what she does.
What luck you had in you life apart from the rough start. The lady that took you in did a superb job. Yay to her! We love those love ar first sight stories!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
What a sweet post! Your siblings looked sad to see you go! i hope they got good furever homes, too.
What a cute bunch you all were!
What a great story Samson!! And such cute kitten pictures. You were very lucky to be borned under such a nice ladys porch!
Oh Samson dat is such a wonderful story! How kyoot yoo were when yoo was jus a fuzzy kit! Yoo is a furry handsome mancat even though yer name is not Cooper.
Very cute kittens!!!
Yes, I also wuld like to know about where did the other 2 sibling is now!
Can't wait!
What a sweet story Samson! I always believe that you pick your Mommy as much as they pick you and it certainly seems this is true in your case too!
Ahh Samson! I hope you find about your siblings too! Earl Gray and me and Mommy wonder about our brother and sister: Silver and Sophie. A friend of Tommy's took them and all was great--until the landlord busted them for having too many pets. Tommy's friend cried and cried. Tommy said we didn't have the room for two more cats--this was before we moved into our house. EVen then Tommy thinks we didn't have enough room. Tommy's friend took Silver and Sophie to a nice place that finds forever homes for everbody--no matter how long. Sophie and Silver were both gone within a week. Tommy's friend couldn't find where they went--but the nice lady at the nice place said they got a great home. I still miss them. And Tommy regrets not taking them back. I nudge her to let her know all is OK.
Samson, sounds like you made a great choice in Mommy's. Hope you hear back soon about Baby and White. I'm sure they got forever homes that they love too since it sounds like the lady who took care of you would make sure of that.
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