Mommy found this picture and she thought it was really funny. She doesn't remember when it was taken or who took it and she can hardly figure out what we were doing but she said it looks like we were having fun.
We also received this contraption in the mail and we haven't figured out what it is...yet
Mommy said we're going to have so much fun with it this weekend so we're very excited!
Have a great weekend!
Samson xoxo
You are going to have so much fun with the furminator. But I hate it when my dad use it on me. -Tokyo Himalayan
I laughed out loud for the first picture. It looks like you're attacking something with quite a frenzy! I also don't know what to think of the contraption. To be honest, I'm a bit scared for the two of you...
P.S. Karen - thanks so much for the link to the French tortie site - I love it! The people who run that site seem so nice. And a question - I know a little French, but not enough to translate very well - it looks like torties are called "écailles" (shells?) in France? Do you know?
I like that first picture - it looks like you were up to something fun! I hope you like your furminator - it gets a 25% postive response in our house, 50% so-so response (dependes on the mood of these kitties) and 25% hate it response - but that 25% is Virgil who hates to be combed - because he had fleas when we got him he had to be flea combed a bunch of times daily, and even though he doesn't have fleas and we can use a regular comb, he is still not a fan. But the furminator does a wonderful job. It will make both of you much more comfortable!
You are going to have so much fun with the furminator. But I hate it when my dad use it on me. -Tokyo Himalayan
You look as though youe are having fun whatever you were chasing.
Hope you do have fun with your contraption.
Hugs GJ xx
Hmmm.... what are you guys doing in that picture? "Ain't no tellin'" as our mom would say!
Looks like a furry interesting contraption.... we don't have one of those, but I'm sure the zoom groom will make an appearance over here this weekend!
Haha! You're gonna get furminated!!!
That's a really great photo! Torties and tuxedos go wild!
Hope you have fun with the furminator - please let us know how it goes.
I laughed out loud for the first picture. It looks like you're attacking something with quite a frenzy! I also don't know what to think of the contraption. To be honest, I'm a bit scared for the two of you...
Be careful of the funny looking thing! You sure look like you are having fun tho!
It looks like you were having fun!
P.S. Karen - thanks so much for the link to the French tortie site - I love it! The people who run that site seem so nice. And a question - I know a little French, but not enough to translate very well - it looks like torties are called "écailles" (shells?) in France? Do you know?
Haha! You are having lots of fun in that photo.
Looks like you are going to be furminated. We love our furminator and can never get too much of it.
I like that first picture - it looks like you were up to something fun! I hope you like your furminator - it gets a 25% postive response in our house, 50% so-so response (dependes on the mood of these kitties) and 25% hate it response - but that 25% is Virgil who hates to be combed - because he had fleas when we got him he had to be flea combed a bunch of times daily, and even though he doesn't have fleas and we can use a regular comb, he is still not a fan. But the furminator does a wonderful job. It will make both of you much more comfortable!
We have one of those things too! Trust us, you're gonna love it!
Looks like a fun picture. That contraption will be fun for your furs we looks like a Furminator. Enjoy the furmination
It DOES look like you're having fun! As for the contraption....I'm not too sure it will be as much fun.
Were you climbing walls in that picture? You might want to try that again to get away from that furminator if it's not as fun as your mom says!
Um, I think better you two than me with that contraption... Maybe you should hide?
Oh my! The furminator! The only tip I have is use it outside the first time...floof everywhere!
Hi =) My name is Jasmine, I live in Brazil with my mom and also have a blog! You are very funny =)
Jas & Gi
I love the furminator.
My goodness...what do you think you were looking at? Whatever it was, I'm sure it was fun!!
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