Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm Three Years Old! ....and 100th Post

I'm officially three years old!

I received a lot of gifts from everyone - I'm a very lucky cat!

Samson got me treats.

He couldn't figure out how to open the bags, though.

I was very grateful because he really tried to open them (I think he wanted some too!)

Mommy got me some cat grass (YUMMY) and a box with something in it. I love the cat grass!

I don't know what's in this box but there are pictures of kittens on it! As far as I was told, I'm a cat now. Whatever it is, I'll love the box anyway.

And last but certainly not least, The Ball Guy got me my favorite sports equipment. Soccer balls and footballs! Now he has to stick around and play ball with me and my birthday will be complete!

It's Mommy's birthday today also and I found out what a 3 with a 4 in front of it means - She's really old!

Mommy asked the Ball Guy to go to the store to get some salmon for her and I to share (our favorite) and some beer for me and The Ball Guy.

Samson's feeling a little ignored so he's taking a nap

I invite all of my cat, woofie and human friends to help yourself to any treats, toys, cat grass, beer and salmon!

Today is also our 100th post so Mommy wants me to say thank you to our friends who visit us and say how much she loves all the blogs she visits!

Have a great Sunday!



Martin Hooper said...

Happy Birthday you lovely tortie cat you!! :)

Misha said...

Happy birthday, Delilah! I shall stop by for some salmon and nosetaps a bit later.

Reese =^..^= said...

Happy Birthday and Congratulations. Looks like quite a celebration at your house!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Purrthday Delilah and a squillion more. Don't drink to much beer, we hear it's not good fur kitties.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Happy Birthday to you! Samson was good to try to help you open the package of treats! That looks like a lot of yummy treats! I will come by, ok?

Anya said...

Happy birthday to youuuuuu :)
Gratulations with your 100e post:)
Have fun today with your news toys.
Have a great day =^.^=

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Birthday. You were really enjoying that Cat Grass!! Thanks for inviting us to this cool party!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Nomi said...

Happy birthday Delilah,I think I ought to teleport over and help out with the opening of that bag of tweets. I can also show you how to nom gwass, I am an expert !!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Delilah, to you and your Mom! And Congratulations on your 100th post! It goes by fast, doesn't it?

Poppy Q said...

Happy purrfday to you Delilah and to your mommy too. We hope you have a special day , with treats and snuggles.

Happy 100 posts!! Well done!

Lola Lynn said...

Hello Deliah and a very Happy Birthday. My daughter, Rebekah, also celebrates her birthday today.

CCL Wendy said...

Happy Furst Purrthday Delilah! And a Happy 34th to your Mama, too! What a lucky girl you are to get all these purresents and special treats! I just hope you don't throw up after eating those grasses (my Domino always does that).

Samson is purrty funny, too, trying to open the treat bags -- and when he gets too furustrated, he just whaps them off the table. Too cute!

Have a great day, with lots of fun things to do and salmon to share. You certainly are spoiled, but you deserve it, Delilah (such a pretty girl er cat).

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Delilah! You sure got a lot of good stuff there! And Happy Birthday to your mom too!! How nice that you share the same birthday!

Now we're gonna have a little bit of that salmon, please!

Meghann said...

Happy birthday to you both! You're getting better every day. Poor Samson, he really wanted those treats (and that table is gorgeous, I love it)!
Congratulations on your 100th post also :)

Mishkat said...

Happy birthday, Deli (and Karen)! And congratulations on your 100th post.

We really like all your presents - our favorites are those little footballs! The cat grass looks good too, and so does everything else. We're interested to see what is in that box, even if there are kittens on it.

P.S. Our mom says to tell your mom she is NOT "really old"!

Anonymous said...

WOWZA! You gotz lotz of purr-esentz fur youz birfday! Congrats on bein' free' yeerz old!

Our momma sayz dat we shuldn't take yer purr-esentz but dat she will make uz sum sammin' just fer uz. We has such a yummy momma an' we purr fer her all da timez.

Quill and Greyson said...

Wow what a big day! Happy and Happy Birthday and 100 posts Yippee!!

We're glad we found you cause we love reading your posts. You cats rock. Here's to a bunch more! Posts and Birthdays!

Anonymous said...

We wish you and your Mom a very Happy Birthday, Delilah:) And thank you for sharing the salmon. Nom, nom, nom!

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 3rd Birthday Delilah and Mommy, too and many, many, many mooooooooore!! Thanks for inviting us to your party!! We are having a great time!!
Your FL furiends,

Splendid Little Stars said...

a very happy birthday to both of you! Enjoy all the yummy and fun treats!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy purrfday Delilah, you got lots of lovely purrezents. Happy Birthday to your mum too.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th post!!! And Scooter wants me to wish you both a very happy birthday!!!!!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.
Happy birthday, furry Delilah-ooo.
Happy birthday to you-ooo.

Sorry about the howling but Buddy is a hound.

BooBoo said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like you got some great stuff.

Daisy said...

Happy Birthday, Delilah! And to your mom! And also, congratulations on your 100th post! This is a very big day for you all!

Cliff and Olivia said...

Happy Birthday. What great treats!

Cat with a Garden said...

Happiest Birthday to the women of the house! We all hope you had a pawsome day!
Purrs and noselicks, Siena & Chilli
P.S.: Delilah, I got the same present for my birthday!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Oh Delilah! What a lucky girl you are!! Love the pictures....and the beer! Did you want some munchies after? :) Happy birthday !!


BeadedTail said...

Happy to you Delilah and to your mommy! It looks like you had quite the party and we wish we could stop by to party with you! Congratulations on your 100th post too!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday Delilah and Mom. Congratulations on your 100th post.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Happy Birthday Delilah and mom! And congrats on the 100th post!!!!

Cory said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you Delilah...I can't believe we are so late to the party! PS...we just love those little soccer balls. We have at least a dozen under our couches and stuff!