When Daddy brings me over to my future apartment, or Samson and Delilah's current apartment, I am usually very busy scoping out all the new smells and planning my future hiding places. I have no time to socialize or even be nice. This is a bit of a sore spot for Samson and Delilah's Mommy. Whenever she picks me up to try to be friends, I hiss and growl. She says I sound like something she heard when she visited Australia - a didgeridoo!
You can hear me growling and see me using some excellent defensive moves in this video.
She gets pretty upset about it, but I'm over there on a mission. I even hiss and growl at Daddy when I'm over at Samson and Delilah's house, so she shouldn't take it so personally.
Sweet Pea
Note from Mom: No kittens were harmed in the filming of this video, the only thing that was hurt was my pride!
Sweet Pea!!!! A ladycat doesn't do that to the mom and dad! I think you must be going through your teenage stage.
Whoa Sweet Pea! You are a feisty one aren't you! Your Tortitude is in overdrive! It was sweet of your daddy to try and pet you to calm you down though! It's obvious they both love you so no need to hiss and growl.
PeeEss: Even when you are mad you are cute as can be!
That is some vicious growling and hissing. Are you putting on a show?
Oh my! What happen?
Awww! Sweet Pea, look at those amazing ear tufts of yours!!
Your growl reminds us of our Maggie May, she's been making that sound a lot lately. Maybe it's a tortie thing?
All Tortietude!!!
Oh Sweet Pea! You were given that name for a reason and you must fill it's shoes! We have a little secret for you...there's NEFFUR hissing or growling at mom and dad.
It's the 'Tude in the Tortie, Sweet Pea. And a little girlitude as well.
Gracie growls at anybuddy who touches her Special Leg at her hips. Momma thinks it might give her a little hurty, so she tries to be aware of it, even though Gracie runs and jumps and plays like crazy any other time!
Typical tortie for sure, with serious cattitude. :-D
We love those ear tufts!
Oh sweet pea you are a little madam for sure. I hope you grow out of that. I bet you will settle soon , its just because you are in other kitty's home.. You are still a super cutey though.. Hugs GJ xx
We could not hear the video! But we bet you are loud,
Sweet Pea, you and Zoey could become good furiends! She likes to hiss and growl too!
Wally & Ernie
Feliway might help ...
She's cute even if she is cranky
Awwwwww, Sweetie, we can understand the attitude....after all, you are waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy smaller than any of them. xxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Sweet Pea we are going to have to watch that video when mom is home - she is at work and can't really get teh sounds there because her speakers are junky. But we understand why you are on a mission - it is very important to preplan these things!
Oh Sweet Pea, what bad language from a young lady! You have tortitude by the barrow load.
Miss Sweet Pea
You are a girl who has a mind of her own! WE like that feistiness!! We know you feel unsure of yourself, but once you get all moved in those uncertain feelings will go away. YOur Mom and Dad love you!
Keep them in line, Sweet Pea! Never let them take control:)
Wow. Big growls for a little kitten. But then who likes to be picked up?
(Well, Paddy sometimes. But only for a little while)
You sure do have some tortitude Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea!! Come now!
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