Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tortie Tuesday

I am being unfairly accused of attempting to be naughty, so I'm not even going to look at Mommy. She's definitely mistaken!

Our kitchen cabinets are really fun to open, and both Samson and I have, in the past, tried to open them to go inside. The problem Mommy has with it, is when we attempt to open them, it makes a 'thud thud' noise that is very loud. Of course, once I was told not to do it, I would never do it again!

Now Mommy claims that she caught me in the act, on the way to play with the cupboard doors. Of course, she's wrong!

I'm just sitting here, being completely innocent. I'm allowed to sit here, aren't I?

That's it, I'm outta here! I will not be accused of something I haven't even done yet!


P.S. I just found out that our dear friend Paddy did not recover from her surgery and has passed away. We are so sad for her family! Paddy was a beautiful and sweet girl. Please send as many purrs as you can spare to them.


Mishkat said...

We can't believe your mommy is making these false accusations! It's obvious to us that you are completely innocent :).

Quill and Greyson said...

The unjustified accusations!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We like to bang the cabinet doors!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Life can be so hard sometimes! I am perfectly innocent ... but Sandusky likes to play with the doors to the hutch, and the door below the sink in the bathroom, besides the cabinets in the kitchen!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

My dear, you punish us when you don't look at the camera.

We know it was that walking fish that opened the cupboard.

Kea said...

Delilah, WE know you are purrfectly innocent! What happened to "due process" and all that? Innocent until proven guilty?

SeaThreePeeO said...

We don't blame you Delilah. This calls for the back of disrespect for at least a week, or when you get hungry, which ever comes first.

The Island Cats said...

Delilah, I do that all the time to the cupboard with the food in it. I figure if I keep banging the door, I might get some foods!!

We are so sad to hear about Paddy too...she will be missed....

Marg said...

Oh we sure do know that you are innocent. You would never hope those cabinet doors again. That is awful to be accused.
We have visited Paddy's place and sent our purrs. That is so sad.
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

It just can't be that you are being accused of such horrible acts of stealth and cunning - or could it☺

Pip said...

Delilah I am absolutely certain you are innocents! Is so unfair you be accused.
(We visits Paddy's fambily and leaves a message.)

Keiko said...

You are innocent!!! Surely your Mummy cannot accuse you of something you haven't done!
We are very very sad about Paddy too. We have been thinking about her all day and purring for her family.
Purrrrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla

Catherine said...

Well you look completely innocent to me Delilah! :)

So sorry about your friend. Warmest thoughts,
xo Catherine

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, Mommy! That's not fair to accuse Deli of something she hasn't done yet. How can you possibly know what she had in mind? I wouldn't look at you either in that case.

Yes, we are devastated about Paddy, having watched her grow up in front of our eyes. She is very special and will always be remembered. Thankfully, her entire life is chronicled, though that doesn't make us miss her any less. I've have visited "Cats in Trees" already and left my condolences.

Katnip Lounge said...

We don't believe for a SECOND that you were even THINKING of thudding the cabinet doors. Nope, never!

Anonymous said...

How dar you get accused of something you CLEARLY didn't even do?!?


Cat Street Boyz said...

Delilah, remember, you are innocent till caught.........we were caught raiding the pantry.....all pantries have locks now!!=^Y^=

BeadedTail said...

You are just sitting there being beautiful and your mommy is thinking you are going to be naughty? Where's the justice?

Raymond and Busby said...

We get falsely accused here all the time. What's with these humans?

Sorry about Paddy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We only have to look at you to know you are innocent Delilah.

Sweet Purrfections said...

A Tortie is never guilty!

The Crew said...

False accusations, that's what's going on here. I see no real evidence of any wrongdoing on your part.
