Friday, June 4, 2010

Finally Friday

You know how the most comfortable place in the house is the place where you're not supposed to sleep? Well Deli and I will be waiting here, on the table, for Mommy to come home from work.

We think that if we're doing what we're not supposed to do, she'll realize that she needs to stay home to supervise us all the time.

Thankfully it really is comfortable, because 9 hours is a long time to wait!

And you know what? When we do this on Fridays, it seems to work for two days!



Karen Jo said...

Let me know if that works. I got so used to Mom being home all the time on her staycation that I got a bit upset when she went back to work.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Ways to know that you have the right humans:

When you do something naughty, the first thing they do is grab a camera.


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Hmmm ... 9 hours? We suggest yoo play all day and enjoy yerself and then get on the table at 5 minutes to the 9 hours! Then yoo can look sad and neglected and like yoo have been there all day!

Kea said...

Gees, we get yelled at when we do something naughty! Okay, sometimes our human laughs instead.

Keep at it, Delilah and Samson, maybe you'll get your mom to stay home yet. :-)

SeaThreePeeO said...

Oh dear, your brilliant plan doesn't seem to be working!

Quill and Greyson said...

These seems like an excellent plan!

Raymond and Busby said...

Really great plan! Let us know if it works.

Mishkat said...

We agree with Milo and Alfie - you don't have to be there the whole 9 hours! Just make it look like that :).

P.S. Hope Sweet Pea is doing well!

Mishkat said...

Oops, forgot to say that we got Tasha to agree to be furminated by praising Franklin lavishly while he was being brushed. We think Deli may be a little less easy to manipulate, though!

Pip said...

Aren't you two clever!!!
You are to purrty to be considered norty. I bets your mommy not mind one bit. (We would likes to requests a picshur from under the glass table please.)
Has a great weekend.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Makes you wish every day was Friday, doesn't it??????? Sending lotza love and purrs in hopes you have a fantabulous weekend, dear friends. xxxxxxxxxx


We are so glad that works especially well on Fridays!

*kitty grins*


BeadedTail said...

We're glad that waiting on the table on Fridays gets your mommy to stay home for at least two days a week. You two are furry smart kitties!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow what a great idea - we are going to have to try that out!

Marg said...

LOL you two are very funny. Glad you project works for two days. Maybe at some time, it will work for three days. Hope the Mom doesn't say bad words to you.
Have a wonderful two days.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That really works! WE will have to try it!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Good thinking. Let us know if it works.

RoySr said...

The Large One said: I'll tell on the 6 Mouskateers here. They have practiced that for a little while now, and they swear by it. All I know is there is always a pile of floof and purr on the table and in MY chair.

Buddy Bear said: Great pix of your furry selves. Keep up the good work and let us know any new trick you learn. Purrs to you both .....

The Island Cats said...

That seems like a pretty good plan you got going there!! Have a great weekend with your mom!!

Katnip Lounge said...

heh heh. Our Mommy gave in and put a bed on the dining room table...Sweet Pea sleeps there alla the time!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are very smart! We thinks you have your mom under your paw!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

You too are soooo funny...'seems to work for 2 days' made our mewmie LOL. We get on the table too, especially if there is papers or things to lay on...

We wanted to say thank you for stopping by our bloggie and purrin' hard for Brighton. Your visits mean a lot to us and are like bronk bronks of affection!

Cory said...

There must be something about what you are doing on Fridays that works well...seems to work for us too. We need to do our Friday stuff on Mondays and maybe mom's will stay home more!