Monday, September 6, 2010

Mancat Monday

It's Labour Day today here in Canada and Mommy has the day off work. I don't understand why it's called Labour Day when she's just gonna lie around in her pajamas not 'labouring' at all!

Well, if she's not going to be doing any work, I certainly am not going to do any either!

Time to get down to some serious snoozing.

Now that my itchies are gone, I can really relax.

I see Deli is getting into the spirit of the non-labour day too!

Happy Labour Day!



BeadedTail said...

Serious snoozing sounds like the purrfect way to spend the day Samson! We're so glad your itchies are gone too! Hope you enjoy the day with your mommy home!

The Florida Furkids said...

We think it should be called Non-Labor day if everyone has off!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We're not working for Labor Day here in the U.S. either. At least not Mom and Jack and me. We're gonna sleep late and eat nice foods.

Anonymous said...

Happy Labor Day! Can you believe Momma has to WORK today?! So not only do we get to nap for ourselves, but we have to nap for her too.
Samson, we're glad your itchies are gone and you're able to relax.

Kea said...

We're glad your itchies are gone, Samson!

Our mom is happy to have an extra day off work, too; happy Labour Day!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Have a great Labour Day!

Marg said...

Oh that is a great idea Samson. We are going to nap a lot today too. We sure are glad your itchies are better.
Hope all have a great day with tons of good food.

Old Kitty said...

Happy Labour Day!!!!!!!

Aww gorgeous and floofy Samson! You really are lovely!! Me and Charlie hope you enjoy your non-labour day with the equally adorable Delilah!!

We are so glad your itchies have gone!

Take care

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Awwww ... have a lovely snoozy day, all of yoo!

Cindy said...

Itchies are no fun! Rosie could never rest when she had them. I'm glad you are feeling better.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Labor Day to you too and I'm glad your itchies are gone!!!

Cat with a Garden said...

You two certainly got the spirit of Labour Day right. We wish it were this day over here too today! Glad to hera the itchies are gone, Samson.
Purrs, Siena

The Island Cats said...

It's Labor Day here in the USA too! We call it No-Labor Day because nobuddy's working around here either!!

Samson, we're glad to hear you're not itchy anymore!!

Catherine said...

Yup ~ that looks to be about what Banjo and I are going to accomplish on Labor Day today! :)

So glad you are feeling better sweet Samson!

Have a super relaxing day!
xo Catherine

Katnip Lounge said...

We sent Mommy to work today and we're gonna rest EXTRA HARD for her.

Have a nice day off napping!

Raymond and Busby said...

Happy Labor Day friends! Sam, we are glad those itches are going away!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad your itchies have gone. We didn't know you spelled Labour the same way as us with the U. Do you spell colour with a U too?

The Creek Cats said...

Happy Labour Day! Looks like we all have the same idea!!

Samson, so glad to hear your itchies are gone! yay!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Happy Labour Day, sweet and wonderful friends!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, you have the right idea. Napping is definitely in order today!!!!

Love the pictures!

Seaborne is happy that you liked his video!

Cat said...

Your mum's plan sounds good to me! I'm so glad that you are feeling better Samson, I guess that medicine really worked :-)


Momma just swoons everytime she looks at you! We are all very glad that your itchies are gone. Have a great non-labor day!

Napping sounds great.


Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy Labourless Day to the Monkees!

Debra Taylor said...

I'm so happy you are over the itchies! I know all of you will have a wonderful holiday. Be happy and stay well!

For all you folks reading this (And of course cats and dogs are also ‘folks’), my blog has stories and information helpful for cat helpers everywhere. Let your ‘beans know!

I pray that all cat blogosphere kitties stay well!


Daisy said...

Happy Non-Labor Day to you, too!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Samson, We are glad the itches are gone. Enjoy your Labor day naps

Cory said...

Samson we are so glad your itchies are gone. Rest well my furriends because tomorrow it's back to the rat race...

OOOHhhhh, rats? Racing? Could be fun!