Monday, July 18, 2011

Mancat Monday

The weather has been nice and warm here so I've been just lying around looking handsome trying to beat the heat.

We have air conditioning so it really doesn't ever get too hot.  That's why I was shocked to see that Bella took off all her furs!

Kittens, hide your eyes - this next photo is rated X!

She is strutting around with no furs and she doesn't seem to care what Deli and I think!

I know it's rude, but I can't take my eyes off her.  You think you know a cat and suddenly they turn into a nudist!

She does look comfy, though.  Maybe I should take off all my furs too.



Cory said...

Whoa...I had no idea that Bella was an exhibitionist!

She does look quite all her glory!

xoxo Cory

Mr Puddy said...

Samson, I can't blame you. I was shocked when first seen her too ! and I will do the same as you, following and keep stare ! I calls " study research " but before you do anything to your fur, Make sure you do a really good study research, Mr. Samson : ), We are Mancat..You have to concern about " Hiss Situation " May be no one scared if you do nude hiss ..MOL

Summer at said...

I dunno, Samson, I think she is a little annoyed at your staring!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

That is quite a trim she got.

Old Kitty said...

Bella bella Bella!!! Oh my stars!! LOL!! awwwwwwwwwwwww!! Samson, avert your gaze!! You are a gentleman kitty!! LOL!!! And very handsome too!!!

Bella you look adorable!! Hugs too to sweet Delilah, Sweet Pea and Gabriel! Take care

grandma said...

Oh Bella !!! you are so beautiful !! You must feel so cool .Tis the season for cool . And Samson, I think you are gorgeous as you are..probably fursless too !!! Of course I am Grandma, so I am prejudiced ..Love you all, Monkeys xxxxxooooo

Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, Bella! You're just comfortable in your own skin, that's all. :-)

We're glad you have a/c...Can we borrow yours? 43C the Weather Channel says for Thursday. *Whew*

Marg said...

Oh Bella, you do look different. Samson thinks a new cat moved in with him. He looks fascinated. Samson, you just cannot get your furs taken off even if Bella looks good. Take care all of you and have a great week. Stay cool.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Bella we bet you feel more comfy without all that fur while it is so hot for you. We hope it grows back in time for winter.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

It will all grow back even more beautiful sweet Bella!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

MOL!!!!!!!!!!! Darlin' Bella, if ya got it, flaunt it!!!!!!!!!

You are a total hoot, handsome Samson!!!!!!!!!

We luvy'all very much.

CCL Wendy said...

I'm glad you guys have the comfort of A/C -- it's so unbearably hot. Of course, Bella's lion cut is also quite helpful in keeping cool.

It's great that she has the confidence to wear her new lion cut with 'pride'! LOL!

Samson's looking as handsome as eFUR, too!

Cat said...

Oh Samson the expression on your face is priceless!!! We hope Bella feels nice and cool and mat-free :-)

Katnip Lounge said...

She's...too sexy for her furs
too sexy for her furs...

hee hee!

BeadedTail said...

Samson, you do look rather fascinated by the nude Bella! We think she looks very exotic and love that she's still Tortie underneath all the floof!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We think Bella is lovely with her furs off!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

It's to hot to worry bout it! Let's all go streakin!


We bet you feel so much better! But we were tickled by Samson's expression!


Quill and Greyson said...

Oh no Samson, No!!

Kwee Cats said...

We don't know, Samson. Those of us who are old enough to look don't think you'd look exactly the way she does. Hmmmmm.