Monday, February 9, 2009

Mancat Monday

Delilah is sick and Mommy has been paying so much attention to her! She went to work and she even got the Ball Guy to come over to watch Deli. I've used some super cute moves and I just get the occasional rub or 'Hiya Fuzz!'. The only time I got any real attention all weekend was when I inhaled a catnip leaf and it made me sneeze. I've been really pulling out all the stops to get noticed and needless to say, it's exhausting! I am just gonna have a lil' snooze...



Elin said...

ooh... are u sulking?
anyway i have a gift for u my furrriend!
go to my blog and take it!

Mishkat said...

You look so cute upside down, Samson.

P.S. We are wishing Deli all the best!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Samson, you are right about taking a nap especially if you pulled out all the stops to get some attention. You deserve the rest!

~ Trooder ~

The mom lady said I can use TT's sign in for today.

Anonymous said...

Careful or your hoomin might think you're a pillow. That happuned to me once... sniff


Misha said...

You've got my attention, looking like that!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You got our attention, too. Hope Delilah is better soon. May be teh awars we gave you will give you some attention and make her feel better.

Anonymous said...

I hope Delilah gets better soon and then you'll BOTH get lotsa attention! You do look quite worn out...

Anonymous said...

It's me again...jane...just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award! You can get it on our blog...Tuesdays post.