Thursday, August 27, 2009


We were tagged by The Island Cats, Wally, Ernie and Zoey, so we have to post 7 things that make us awesome. Mommy says that the post would be too long if we both started going on about how awesome we are, so she is going to do it to keep the length down. I may be wrong, but it sounds like she's insinuating that we're self-centered! Anyway, here's Mommy talking about our awesomeness...

Both of my Monkeys are awesome but they're very long-winded when they talk about themselves.

I'll start with Delilah.

1.)Delilah is awesome because she does not put up with silliness. No matter how ridiculous the situation is, she keeps her cool.

2.) She's also very helpful. Deli is always there when you need a helping paw.

3.) Deli is always ready to have some fun. Even when she's relaxing, she has her toys close by in case a rousing game of fetch breaks out.

Now Samson.

4.) Sammy is always concerned about his hygiene. He's constantly cleaning himself and never leaves a spot unlicked.

5.) When it comes to taking care of pests (spiders, flies or toy mousies), he doesn't stop until the threat has been completely immobilized. Dissection will ensure that this particular toy mousie won't harm any of his housemates!

6.) He is constantly silly and has the most ridiculous poses I've ever seen! Samson is the biggest ham, in front of and away from the camera.

7.) Finally, they're both awesome because they love each other and me very much!

Thanks, Mommy!

We're taking the lazy way out by tagging anyone who wants to play this game!

Samson and Delilah (and Mommy)

P.S. Yesterday we posted a Wordless Wednesday about Misha and Pasha. Some of you were asking who they were. They are the sweet little girl kittens that recently moved in with Mommy's friend Jenn. She adopted them in June and you can read about them here


Karen Jo said...

Samson and Delilah are indeed awesome. This is a fun meme and I'm glad you participated. I love the picture of Samson in the sink and the one of Delilah up high with Sylvester.

Misha said...

Always knew you guys were awesome. Now I know why!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That sink photo is the best photo ever!! Mummy can't stop laughing at the cute!

Reese =^..^= said...

I always knew you were awesome. It's good to get details though.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are both so awesome! I love your photos! You are real cute in the sink!

Anya said...

Yes Samson and Delilah you are
I love your pictures,
they are so lovely and cute :)

The Creek Cats said...

You guys are the awesomest!
We love Samson's funny poses in front of the camera!

We'll be posting our 7 tomorrow!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Awesome is SO true!

Tommy says she smiles at Samson giving himself a bath and him in the sink! Doesn't she know we man cats got cat style??


Anonymous said...

You are both awesome!

Grayson can attest to the fact that it is a full-time job keeping the floof tamed!

The Kitty Krew said...

You two kitties are indeed awesome, and those are only a few of the reasons why!! You must give your mom a break, she did a pretty good job of setting those out for us.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

The Island Cats said...

We knew you two were awesome! Those are some great reasons why! Thanks for playing along!!

(pee ess. we forgot about Pasha and Misha but now we remember them! Looks like they are doing well!)

CCL Wendy said...

Both of your kitties are so awesome, each in their own unique way! Of course, they have their mutual love for each, and you, in common, and that's the best of all!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We always new they were awesome! Congratulations on the award.


You are awesome! :)
That last photo was the sweetest
EVER! You definitely deserve this
awesome award!

Sam and Andy said...

We realized upon meeting you that you were both totally AWESOME.

luv and purrsssssssss

Reese =^..^= said...

I always knew you were awersome, my friends. xoxo

BeadedTail said...

Samson and Delilah, you two are most definitely awesome! Delilah, you are so regal and beautiful and Samson, you are so handsome and adorable!

We do smell Samson's neatly groomed furs on the box you sent. We won't let Mommy put it away since we like to lay in it and sniff it all the time - when we're not playing of course! Even Sadie sniffs the box from time to time!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You both are awesome and you have the cutest photos.

Anonymous said...

You are both totally awesome!!! And Samson, we MOL'd really loud at the picture of your hygiene ritual!!! MMM~OOO~LLLL

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh those are all true reasons you are awesome! I love the pictures of both of you - especially Delilah holding her Sylvester up and Samson in the sink!

loki said...

Samson and Delilah, you guys look absolutely so adorable. I love the last picture. It's great to see that you love each other so much. It's all about love...


Anonymous said...

Yes, we've always believed that you two are awesome! We REALLY missed you, and we're sorry that we missed Deli's Gotcha Day:( Happy belated Gotcha Day, Delilah!

Quill and Greyson said...

I agree!

Cory said...

Of course we already knew that you were awesome, but we love hearing about it some more!