Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tortie Tuesday

A little while back I mentioned that Mommy was getting hypnotized for weight loss. Well, she had it done, and she came back from her appointment and I noticed right away that she hadn't lost any weight! I didn't want to upset her but something had gone horribly wrong! She explained that it doesn't happen right away and that weight loss is gradual and she would lose weight when she stopped eating so much and kept on her new exercise program. The reason she went to get hypnotized was because she needed her sub-conscious mind to work with her conscious mind to help her to stop sleep-eating and over-eating in general. I was thinking - if she already knew that it was just a matter of eating less and exercising more, why did she need to be hypnotized? I thought it would be better if I didn't approach her with this logic, though. Humans are odd; they eat when they're not hungry, don't eat when they're hungry, cry when they're happy and say 'I'm fine' when they're clearly not!

My vet tells me that I'm a perfect weight, so I've come to the conclusion that I should be Mommy's personal trainer and dietitian. She is welcome to share my grain-free kibble and raw food and I'm sure The Ball Guy would be happy to make her run up and down the hall to chase a ball like he does with me. I'll even run up and down the hall with her to encourage her. The Ball Guy will do this constantly as long as you lie on your back and let him rub your tummy every once and awhile. Mommy may have to learn to do that, but it's really not that difficult and I can show her how. She also needs to know that he uses a lot of silly language and calls me 'You-u-u-u' and 'Rrrrrrrrrrrubbbins'. I have no idea what he'll call her! It's just best to act like it's really not that unusual so he won't get uncomfortable and just keeps throwing that ball.

One thing I have noticed about Mommy since she has been hypnotized is she really eats a lot less! She'll say 'I can't eat another bite' after she's eaten only 1/3 of what she used to eat! I thought at first she must be joking until I started eating her leftovers and she didn't even try to stop me. The wonderful thing about Mommy's leftovers is she and I have a very similar taste in food (although she still refuses to try my raw food) so everything is so yummy! I've made it very clear, though, if I catch her going for my cat treats, she'll have to go through me first!

All in all, Mommy says she feels wonderful after her hypnosis and a happy Mommy means a happy Deli! I will keep on her to exercise with The Ball Guy and I and hopefully all of her 'consciouses' keep cooperating so I will continue to get leftover salmon!

Happy Tortie Tuesday!



Cat with a Garden said...

These combined efforts of conscious- subconscoiousness and YOU, sweet Deli, will surely do the trick. Loosing weight is a hard business and we agree with you that the easiest way is to find a sporty hobby you like. Ball chasing is a supreme one!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

GO your mummy!!! WOW! And how handy for you that you're getting the leftovers, this sounds like a good deal!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You will make a good personal trainer and dietitian! It sounds like the hypnotism is working! Go Mom!!! Delilah too!

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is very lucky to have you as a purrsonal trainer Delilah! I'm sure she'll get in shape in no time at all! I don't know how she'll feel about chasing a ball down the hallway though.....


The Creek Cats said...

We are so happy to hear the hypnosis worked for your mom! YAY!!

Delilah, we think you'll be a fabulous dietitian and your exercise program sounds wonderful!

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Deli: thanks for the up date on your Mommy! Tommy didn't get hyptonized,but she cut down on the ice cream and back to exercising--says she's lost 10 pounds so far. Hmm. Tommy doesn't seem to have as much fun doing this as she did snarfing down pizza! Help your mom lots!

Mishkat said...

You look so gorgeous today, Deli! We love the photo of you with the ball. And we're wishing your mom all the best - it sounds like the hypnosis helped a lot!

P.S. Tasha says it's very nice of you to offer to share the Ball Guy with your mom.

The Kitty Krew said...

We're happy to hear the hypnosis worked out, we'd been wondering. It's good of you to help your mommy with her food and exercise, Deli! Better be careful, though, if you eat too much of her leftovers, you may have to be hypnotized to lose weight! ;)

Your pics are great today, we too love the one with the ball.

Callie's excited about the trip to Tasha's to see you and Tasha, she's determined to get the boogie mat working, and she'll see you there!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post you did today for your mommy, Deli!!! I'm sure she's working really hard. Our mommy keeps saying she needs to lose weight too (she even kept her size 5 jeans...whatever that means) and swears she will get into them by next summer. Then again, she said that last year. Humans...they are an odd breed.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Congratulations to Mom! Or Mom keeps talking about loosing weight, too!

The Island Cats said...

Deli, we think you'd be the purrfect purrsonal trainer for your mom! We sure hope this hypnotism stuff works for her...sounds like it already is working for her...which is good 'cuz she'll leave your treats alone!

loki said...

Delilah, I really think that you will make a good personal trainer. I was also looking at your eyes and I think that we can also do the hypnosis!


Amy & the house of cats said...

That is great that you want to be her personal trainer Delilah! I bet it would help her a lot if you keep her motivated. That hypnosis thing sounds like a good idea - I think I may have to look into it if it is helping her. I don't have the sleep eating but I know I am bad about eating too much!

Reese =^..^= said...

Deliliah, you are such a good girl to help out your Momma. I know she's going to do great with all that assistance from you.

Sam and Andy said...

You are THE philosopher, Deli....we can see that you have it all figured out.

Just watch how much of your Mommy's leftovers you eat cuz we have found that bean's food can really pack on the calories for us.

Fantastic pics of you today, Deli....we remain your devoted furiends,

SeaThreePeeO said...

So nice of you to help you mummy, especially by eating her leftovers!

CCL Wendy said...

Isn't that wonderful that Mommy found something that will work for her -- and you get to benefit, too, Deli from all the leftovers.

Let's just hope she doesn't get a craving for any "Deli meat"! LOL!

BeadedTail said...

Tasha, you look very beautiful today as always! It is so nice of you to offer to be your mom's purrsonal trainer. Just to let you know, you might not want to let us know the silly names The Ball Guy calls her - humans can be weird sometimes especially with names for each other.

Best of luck to your mom!

meowmeowmans said...

Your Mom is certainly lucky to have a great personal trainer like you! Glad to hear the hypnosis is working. :)

Quill and Greyson said...

This is so exciting, Mom Leftovers!! Maybe I'll talk Mom into it. I don't think I'd be a good trainer, but if I could fit her on a boogie mat I could send her over... or maybe you could make a workout video?

Sweet Purrfections said...

I wish your mom luck with the "smaller food portions".