Mommy has donated before to these wonderful people because she really likes how they work. There are a couple of Torties on the adoption page that I hope get adopted (along with all the other ones!) so I'm donating my saved up allowance so far this month ($15.00). Hopefully we can give more again soon!
Because it was recently my Gotcha Day,Mommy wanted to share this picture that was taken a couple of days after I arrived here. The quality is very bad because it was taken with her old web cam, but it shows how small I was.

Look how big I am now!
Deli you were a cute little kitten - I hope your mum has better kitten pics she can post!
You are a lovely lovely ladycat now too - Love your tortie colors :)
Snorgles and Cuddles!
What a tiny tortie, Delilah! Kyoot! Kyoot! Kyoot!
We ♥ how you're spending your allowance this week!
Such an adorable itty bitty girl cat, however look at you NOW-all beautiful luscious Lady Cat! Glad your mom Gotcha!
You're HUGE Delilah! But good huge, don't you ever think I'd call you fat huge. :P
And we love hearing that you spent your allowance on kitties in need!
You were a super kyoot babycat and now you're a floofalicious ladycat!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You used to be sooooooo tiny!
You're such a good kitty to donate your allowance like that, Deli, when we know there are all sorts of toys you'd like to buy. Your mom is raising you right. ;)
You were such a cute little kitten! Now you're a gorgeous floofy ladycat. We're so happy you have such a great furever home.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
PS - Callie wonders if her and your visit to Tasha's caused Dobby to get sick :( and the rest of them to go over the edge? MOL
You were so tiny. You have grown in to a lovely Lady !
You've grown up to be a beautiful girl, Delilah! And we think it is so nice that you are donating your allowance to such a special organization! Good for you!
Deli, you were such a cute little girlcat who grew up to be a gorgeous LadyCat!!! That's furry nice of you to donatethis month allowance to help less fortunates, who are in need a loving, furrever homes!
We loved your baby picture, Deli......and of course you know that we think you have grown up to be a beautiful ladycat.
You are so sweet to be donating your allowance. xxxxxx
You are so sweet to donate your allowance to that wonderful cause!
Was you so LITTLE
we can't believe it :))))
So cute and lovely !!!
Delilah that picture of you is so cute! I love how you are flopped down on the back of the sofa like that.
And it is wonderful that you have saved that much of your allowance to help out those kitties - you are such a sweet girl to do that!
Cute then, cute now!
Oh Delilah, you were such an itty bitty floofy tortie! And you certainly have grown into a gorgeous girl! That's so nice of you to donate to The Sphinx Project!
Delilah, what a precious and generous girl you are to think of others on your special day! It's very appurropriate, too! Kudos, girl!
You were so tiny! You are so lovely and floofy now!
What a cute little kitty you were!
You were such a cute kitten! Now you're simply gorgeous!
You are so lovely in the photo! you are so lucky to have a family and a Gotcha Day to celebrate!
Awwww, you were such a CUTIE! (And still are). And how wonderful of you to donate your allowance to a charity! It makes you feel all warm and good inside doesn't it?
We missed your Gotcha Day, but see you grew from tiny to terrific! And you are very thoughtful to donate your green papers to those kitties in need.
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