Look deep into my eyes, Mommy...you are very relaxed...
When I snap my fingers you will feel refreshed and alert and you will immediately give Delilah and I some treats and you will spend all of your spare time working on our blog while snuggling with us.
Darn, I forgot about the 'no fingers' thing...
P.S. Sweet Pea made it onto the World's Best Cat Litter blog in the Best of the Cat Blogosphere for last month and she was featured on Wendy's LOL spot again! Deli still doesn't like her, but I think she's kinda cute. I'm definitely gonna pay for that comment...
I's gots 6 toes...maybes I can helps!
Hypnotism... what a great idea!!! If I can just figure out the snap thing I can have BOTH Gloman and Glogirly wrapped around my little paw!
(Glogirly's cat)
Snakes can hypnotise and they don't have fingers. Maybe you can ask one how you do it.
You just have to find something to take the place of a finger snap. How about a meow?
Oh Samson, BE CAREFUL!! I tried to hippa-tize Alice and it didn't turn out very well AT ALL. Since you can't snap your fingers, try breaking something with a loud crash...that's what worked at our house.
We'll send some cuddling, treat-giving, blogging purrs her way....
Oh crikey I got to practice that toe snapping, I could use some of that hypno thingy around here.. Go Sweet Pea you are brilliant.. Hugs GJ xx
We've tried the hypotism thing...it didn't work much...even with all of Ernie's toes, he still couldn't get the snapping thing down....
That doesn't work with my beans. All they do when I give them that look is fill the food dish.
Hey, this really works?? let's try on mom
Great idea, Samson, but impossible to execute! Maybe you should try again and say "when I meow" instead.
Very cool about Sweet Pea. I'm glad you've come around. Now you just have to work on Deli. Maybe it's a girl thing.
The no finger thing really gets annoying sometimes, doesn't it?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Gosh, I thought you had her there for a second!
Wow, hypnotism.....can you teach us how to do it, Samson?????? xxxxxxxxxxx
Maybe you should change the spell in "When you snap your fingers", then put on some great music and: happy days!
Yeah, that no finger thing would be a problem. Maybe you could say 'when I meow.....'
Maybe you should start playing some Creedance Clearwater Revival's "I Put a Spell On You" That may work, since you can't "snap".
Oh no, yoor post title made mommy start singing dat song...can yoo hippo-tize her to make her stop?
Samson, you need to show me how to hypnotize Nanny! She is not giving enough treats.
That's too bad you can't snap but we think gazing into your handsome face should do the trick anyway! Congrats to Sweet Pea for being a blog star already!
We think your eyes will hypnotise her but she may have to stay like that if you can't do the snap thing.
Deli we think you did a great job!
Mom? Mom? Wake up! Mom? Uh oh
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