Samson, great picture! Tommy thinks you are just the most handsome thing--especially with your 'dot'. I think I'm glad you're in another time zone, cause your Mom and The Ball Guy would have to call and get Tommy hauled away! :)
Mom says, "what a great picture!" and she wants to run her hands through your floofy fur. But, wait! I can't let her do that! She needs to run her hands through MY floofy fur!
Samson, you are such a handsome ball of floof! We love your white whiskers and your cute freckles!
That is a super good shot my friend!
You're SO super smoochable!
Samson, we just love your black beauty marks!!
Hee hee!!!
Do you have to sneeze?
Samson, great picture! Tommy thinks you are just the most handsome thing--especially with your 'dot'. I think I'm glad you're in another time zone, cause your Mom and The Ball Guy would have to call and get Tommy hauled away! :)
Such a handsome floofy boy you are, Samson! Just enough belleh showing to be snorgled...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Ohhhh samson you look like your eyeballing something...good food maybe?
Oh Samson, this is a cute shot!
Love those two black dots on your nose!
Connect the dots....your a kitty that rocks! (=^Y^=)
That is a very cute picture. Are you feeling better?
You are SOOOOO handsome!!!
Samson you are such a handsome boy!!
Aw, Samson! Mom says she wants to kiss your cute face!!
You look like you're dreaming about something, Samson!
You are such a handsome mancat, Samson....and we really like your beauty mark. xxxxxxxx
You really are one handsome mancat Samson.
Mom says, "what a great picture!" and she wants to run her hands through your floofy fur. But, wait! I can't let her do that! She needs to run her hands through MY floofy fur!
Samson, I love your little ink-spot mustache! I think we'd make the perfect couple with my little girl-stache.
(Glogirly's cat)
You look handsome there dude...even though it's not very mancatly to say so...
No words needed for this sweet kitty! So cute!
Somebody got caught by the flashy box!
Mom kisses right on the nose!!
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