Bella spends most of her time avoiding me and hissing at me, but yesterday, I was minding my own business on the bed, when Bella jumped up with this nip heart!
Then she sniffed my behind with no hissing and then she left me with the heart!
I'm stumped!
I'm not! I think Bella has a crush on you, Samson!
Hmmm ... they are hard to understand. But we fink Sweet Praline maybe right.
Awwww Darling Samson!! Sweet Bella is just playing hard to get and being a true lady kitty will confuse mancats to keep them on their paws!!
Me and Charlie hope you enjoy your gorgeous nip heart! Awwww!
Take care
It's a mystery. . . .
Haha! That is funny ~ women really are hard to understand Samson.
xo Catherine
Hmmm....we think that Bella brought you a present! MOL
Oh Samson, she was bringing that heart to you. That is too cute. She thinks you are so handsome and we sure can't blame her for that. Maybe she will become your friend.
Have a terrific day all of you.
Awwwwwwwwwww, how sweet!!!!!!
A mancat just NEVER knows what a ladycat will do next!!!!!!!
Samson, we do not understand torties at all. Sometimes we think it's better not to try! Tasha gets upset when we chase her, but if we don't chase her, she will call us to come pay attention to her. We think she likes attention from us but only on her own terms - and those are impossible to figure out.
And it's nice that Bella shared the heart with you (that would never happen around here!)
XXX from your fellow mancats,
Dobby and Franklin
P.S. Our mom said it was really easy to get the photo of Tasha today because she got distracted by something when she was bathing and left her foot up in the air for at least five minutes. We guess it was comfortable or something?
Awww, she likes you really!
Oh wow, she really likes you Samson!!!
Well, if she sniffed your bottom and didn't hiss, WE say it's love. Really!
OMG, that is so sweet! I think Bella was giving you a peace offering and wanting to be friends!
Oh that is so cute Samson! We don't really understand ladycats that well, and torties especially, but we think that is a very good sign that she likes you! Think about it - she brought you nip - and not just any nip - a nip heart!
We think that she DOES have a crush on you. Look at all the school kids who pick on each other. It's usually a crush!
Samson, we think Bella has a crush on you and is playing a little hard to get. But trying to figure out a Tortie is nearly impossible so guess we'll have to wait and see what she does next!
Hmmm. You'd better watch out for that Bella. She's a mystery.
Ah Samson- if you ever figure it out, please let me know!
Dude--you got the girlcats BRINGING you things!! I gotta move me to Canada! I think Bella is tryin' to get her groove on--ya know, older girl cat, younger man cat...hmm..
We gave up trying to figure out girlcats long ago, Samson...Zoey just wore us out with all her antics!
Wally & Ernie
Awww, she gave you her heart!
Wow, I really think Bella loves you, Samson! That seemed apparent in an earlier post, too.
But leaving the heart -- now there's no mistaking that token of affection.
And I'm really struck by the tininess of Bella when on the bed beside Samson! She is a delicate little thing isn't she? It's wonderful that she's making an emotional connection.
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